Everyone knows the story of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. He was a creepy, mean guy who lived in a cave. The Grinch's heart was shrivelled and full of hate. He wanted his neighbors to be as miserable as he was, so in the middle of the night, he stole their Christmas. He took things he had no desire for and no need for, just for the sake of ruining it for others. He tried to destroy the holiday but at the last minute, his heart changed, and he returned everything that he stole. It's a story with a happy ending.
Unfortunately, Portsmouth has its own Grinches. Lots of them. We call them the C.A.V.E. people, the Citizens Against Virtually Everything. And if one Grinch can steal Christmas, a whole gang of them can steal a town's spirit.

What the Portsmouth Grinches want most of all for Christmas is the FAILURE AND MISERY IN THEIR HOMETOWN!
They celebrate Portsmouth's every shortcoming. Every business that fails, every city leader who struggles, and every negative headline brings a grin to their faces. They spend their time, not accomplishing or achieving, but criticizing and condemning the efforts of others. And if someone fails they love to proclaim, "we told you so!"
You may say, "Surely they're not THAT bad! Surely they don't REALLY want Portsmouth to fail! Maybe they're good-hearted but just misguided."

But don't be fooled. The creeps we're talking about are the worst kind of Grinches. They infest City Council meetings with their evil allegations and brain dead attacks. They scheme and connive and boycott their perceived enemies. They are the moral equivalent of punks who walk through the cemeteries of Portsmouth and kick over tombstones or spray paint vulgarities on the walls of our city.
They claim to be concerned citizens of Portsmouth, but really they're just an incestuous little circle of self-important jerks.
Harsh words??? Judge for yourself.
Between now and the end of the month, we will tell you about 12 of the things that the Portsmouth Grinches hate most. Things they would love to destroy if they could, like the Grinch tried to destroy Christmas. We will also suggest ways you can help counteract the Grinches.
Be here for the 12 DAYS OF GRINCHMAS.
Good idea. Think I'll subscribe. If they hate it, it has to be good.