On the third day of Grinchmas, the Grinches want to see...
Three evil websites...
Two-Faced Bloggers...
And the Portsmouth Times in bankruptcy.

They say there is a "trinity of evil" in the Bible: the Anti-Christ, and his followers the Beast and False Prophet, who will decimate the earth in the last days.
Portsmouth has its own
internet version of Satan's servants, and they are the favorite websites of the CAVE People. This is our evil trinity.
Shawnee Sentinel/Austin Leedom: The False Prophet.
Go to google.com (or Yahoo! or any
internet search engine). Do a search for "
portsmouth ohio information." One of the first results that comes up will be the following:

"Inside news that tell [sic] why a small, poverty ridden Ohio River town has been devastated by local gangsters, dishonest businessmen, bankers..." This is how Austin
Leedom and his CAVE people friends see our town. This is the face these bastards strive to present to strangers...people from around the world, seeking information about Portsmouth. People who may want to visit or retire here. Maybe someone who is looking for a place to start a businees or build a factory.
It pisses off normal people like us, but it just makes the CAVE people smile.

The only "good" thing about
Leedom's website is that it is ugly and practically unreadable.
Leedom's mindless ramblings are an
embarrassment to the town and anyone who associates with him. This idiot claims to be a "reporter" but his grammar is as sloppy as his "inside news."
The man's stupidity is amazing. Consider his latest clueless entry on his vile
The Spirit and Love of Christ is with us in Portsmouth, Ohio as Dr. Robert Forrey’s latest cultural literary gem celebrates Our Savior’s eternal love and compassion, with timely poetry that gives us food for thought and reason for fervent prayers “O, Little Town of Portsmouth" http://rivervices.blogspot.com/
Leedom is talking about
Forrey's latest entry at the River Vices blog. Now everyone knows (except
Leedom apparently) Forrey is an atheist. He even wrote a
poem, published on an atheist website, in honor of 9/11, which says Jerry Falwell is just as bad as
Osama bin Laden and calls religion "psychosis"! Only a true idiot like
Leedom would say
Forrey "celebrates Our Savior's eternal love and compassion."
But then, intelligence is not
Leedom's strong point. (P-Town Underground uses an "artist's representation" of Austin
Leedom's face, since there are no photos of him available. We suspect that he may be an aging vampire, and like most undead blood suckers his image cannot be photographed.)
PortsmouthCitizensInfo.blog/Teresa Mollette: The Beast
There is no doubt about it. Teresa
Mollette is the reason that her husband lost his seat on City Council. Bob is a
likable enough guy who may even want what's best for Portsmouth. But if he doesn't make an ass out of himself at each council meeting, you can be sure there is hell to pay on Franklin Avenue on Monday night.
But his antics pale in comparison to his wif
e's lunatic ramblings at Council meetings. Citizens are allowed up to 10 minutes to speak (5 minutes at two points
in the agenda).
Mollette uses her "free speech" to screech like a banshee at the City's leaders, calling them "crooks," "fools," and "liars," criticizing every decision of the council that her husbands sit on (at least for one more meeting.) Sometimes when she runs out of things to bitch about early, she says something like "Well, I have a little bit of time left, so I think I'll just stand here and tell you
all what idiots you are." (That's nearly verbatim.)
Teresa's disgusting website is about the same. Full of threats, accusations, innuendo, and outright lies. (But then the
meaning of the word "
satan" is accuser.)
River Vices/Robert Forrey: The Anti-Christ
Of course, Professor
Forrey is the inspiration for this group. They dutifully pass on his evil words of wisdom every time he blesses them with a new blog entry.
Like the biblical anti-
Forrey comes from the East (Massachusetts), and he despises all things Christian. A former professor at Shawnee State (he won't say where he taught before he came here, probably to keep anyone from uncovering past scandals), he remains in a town which, if you judge by his website, he loathes with a passion. He "retired" from SSU under suspicious circumstances. Here are the complaints that his students posted about him on-line (at
- The Worst. Needs to get a job where he doesn't need to interact with other people. The kind of guy who'd get punched in the nose for being a jerk. Other than his personality flaws, he also sucks at teaching. He uses some kind of self-published paperback handout, which is not only terribly uninteresting, it's inaccurate. Worst class I've had.
- Sucks... plain and simple. The worst teacher I ever had. He mentioned his ties to Yale about twenty times during the course. Unfair and arrogant. Prick.
- Sorry dude...not everything written in the history of writing has a homosexual element.
- I did not specify a course, because every one teaches focuses on Atheism and Gays. Its fine that he supports those things, but why not save them for a course that pertains to them? He is rude and arrogant and needs to retire.
- Jerk. Went to "YALE" and wants you to know it. Used his own leaflet; won't call it a textbook because it so short and not really related to course content. Unhelpful and arrogant.
- Hated his class. He doesn't stick with the subject. He is more interested in his own agenda than teaching the course. Tired of hearing that he is Atheist. He is more impressed with that than anybody else is. He was probably a good teacher at one time, but not anymore.
To be fair, he had good comments, too, on that site. But they must not have been enough to save his ass when it came down to it. People in Southern Ohio get tired of that biased anti-Christian, gay rights, liberal crap. If his classes were like his miserable little website, it's no wonder Shawnee State got rid of him.
Hey, Forrey! If you "really" want to make Portsmouth a better place, here's something you can do all by yourself. Move your ass back to Massachusetts!
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