These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren. (Proverbs 6:16-19)
We think it is very appropriate. God doesn't hate people. He hates what people do to each other: petty, selfish, harmful, and mean-spirited actions and attitudes that all of us are subject to. The CAVE People of Portsmouth seem to be obsessed with almost everyone of these, even those who claim to be Christians. We hope that all of us will truly examine our motives as the discussion of the future of our City continues. (As usual, if you have trouble reading the images below, click on them and a larger version will appear.)

This last picture is, of course, from Teresa Mollette's website,, and it is typical of her constant name-calling and accusations of city officials. In other words, "sowing discord among brothers."
We hope that the Mollettes are not too surprised at Bob's defeat by a kid that no one had ever heard of before. But they probably are. Teresa's years of ballistic tirades and hate-filled accusations were a major source of embarrassment to the citizens of Portsmouth. The people in their incestuous little group of malcontents, no doubt, loved it and egged her on.
But really, Teresa, is it appropriate for you to call the elected Mayor of Portsmouth a "tool and a fool" and to constantly refer to Mrs. Kalb as "the mayor's second wife"? Even openly wishing for the death of your husband's fellow councilmen? If you really wanted openness and communication and fairness as you claim in you various websites, perhaps a little grace and common decency would have been preferable.
At any rate, we can now say good-bye and good riddance to the Mollettes, and thank you to the voters of the Third Ward.
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