Well, ok. You caught us. They're not ALL against ALL donuts. Just Crispie Creme donuts. And just since City Solicitor Mike Jones became a co-owner of the Crispie Creme donut shop. One CAVE Person in particular hates Crispie Creme donuts: our favorite Grinch, Robert Forrey.
You know how some old people are. Especially if they don't work...if they live alone...and if they have naturally nasty dispositions. If they left their job under suspicious circumstances. And they have alienated everyone that should matter in their lives. And if they look like they are constipated a lot. The type of person has nothing to do but pry around in other people's business.
Retired Professor Robert Forrey, of the River Vices blog, is just that type of person. And like the Grinch, his heart is three sizes too small. That makes him a very mean old man. Unfortunately, he is mean AND not very smart, so his blog is filled with factually incorrect AND mean-spirited statements.
A great example of this is his recent entry about Portsmouth's favorite donut shop. ("From Dollars To Donuts.")
Forrey reports that, in 2007, "Mike Jones and a partner" (that is, business partner, NOT the type of "partner" Forrey normally is concerned about) "completed the purchase of the Crispie Creme Donut Shop, at 1202 Gallia Street. The value the County Auditor put on the donut shop was $107,990, but Jones and his partner paid an eye-popping $325,000 for the property. Did Jones confuse Crispie Creme with the national chain Krispy Kreme? What was he thinking? I suspected there might be an error in the $325,000 figure, so I checked with the County Auditor’s Office to make sure that figure was correct. I was told it was. Granted the valuation put on property for purposes of taxation is usually less than the putative market value, but a nearly 300 percent increase can hardly be accounted for on those grounds. The $325,000 for Crispie Creme sounds as inflated as the $2 million dollars the city paid for the Marting building."
Forrey goes on to complain that the Southern Ohio Growth Partnership and American Savings Bank would make loans to a business that in Forrey's vaunted opinion is doomed! Not content to slander Jones' business endeavor, Forrey goes, as he puts it, "Closer To Home."
"Unfortunately, Jones’s indebtedness is not confined to his business. He appears to have financial problems closer to home. In April 2005, two years before taking out the two mortgages on the donut shop, he bought a home in Portsmouth, on “the Hill,” at xxxxxxxxxxxx, for $xxxxxxx. (We left this information out, for the sake of decency.)... If the City Solicitor is no better at handling the city’s legal problems than he is at handling his own finances, his term in office may seem even longer to the citizens of Portsmouth than it will to him."
What a disgusting person Forrey is! What a bitter, nosy, old busybody! The self-importance and lack of decency of this man knows no bounds. What business of his is it how much Jones paid for his house? Does he know how much Jones has in savings? Does he know how much his wife makes? Forrey seems amazed that an attorney would be able to afford a house that costs six figures, and uses that fact to claim that Jones is a crook.
Reader, how would you like to have Forrey snooping around the Courthouse digging into your personal information? And if it were any of this vile idiot's business, if he had even an iota of common sense, he might realize that Jones was not just "buying a building." He was buying all the equipment: the donut presses and fryers and display cases and cooling racks and refrigeration units and whatever the hell else it takes to make donuts. Forrey probably does not even know that the building has a basement with even more equipment in use down there.

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