The Police Chief actually closed down the Police Department. You don't see something like that everyday. Oh, well. I guess you get used to stuff like that when you live in KrAZee-T*wN, USA.
Last week, in honor of Jane Murray's brilliant "Traffic Calming Plan" for Portsmouth, we shared a classic, little Dean Martin song with our readers called "That's A Moron."
The third paragraph was devoted to the mold problem in the Police Department. After so many months of indecision and delay, and the story being covered in the Portsmouth Times, WSAZ, and the Columbus Dispatch, was it our little ditty that finally caused the police to move out???
and keeps feeding them sh--,
Just like mushrooms.
Just like mushrooms.
She says they’re corrupt,
but she just made it up.
She's a moron.
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Mayor and Councilman find new location for Police Department. (NOTE TO ALL GANG MEMBERS: Please ignore Noel's accidental gang sign calling for a "rumble in East P-Town, yo.") |
She still can’t name names.
She will go down in flames,
She’s a moron.
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Right idea, wrong building, CAVE People! |
The Portsmouth Times story leaves a lot of unanswered questions:
- The Police Chief says: "The documentation indicates this is a life/safety issue, as well as a serious hazard." and that the mayor supports him.
- But the City Health Commissioner says that, according to the EPA, NIOSH, and the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, "there isn't enough evidence to confirm that mold is a health hazard."
- The Police Chief says he was "ordered" by Kevin Moran, of "Asabrook, a company that is contracted by the City to be the building official" for the city, to evacuate the City Building by November 11 because of mold, which the Health Commissioner has is not a health hazard.
- How does the Fire Chief feel about the Police Department moving into the Central Fire Station?
- How about the rest of the City Building? Are they in danger as well?
- Who is in charge at City Hall anyway?
- Answer: Mayor Jane Murray.
- In other words nobody is in charge and City Department Heads are left to fend for themselves without competent leadership. Welcome to CRAZY-TOWN.
All we can say at this point is we feel sorry for the innocent victim of all this inaction.
Finally, we believe we may have the solutions for the City's dilemma. If Mayor Murray will just read the following book then all of her problems will be solved.
I am thinking it is "something"(s) you said and I for one am very thankful that you did. Have great hope that after Dec. 7, Portsmouth will be back on the road to recovery. It will have been eleven months of nothing but chaos and total disrespect from the mayor's office to the citizens and city council. Looking forward to 2011 as a new beginning and time of recovery. Hopefully this will be a good lesson for the voters to pay attention and check the history of whomever they want vote into office.