Jane Murray's $100,000 LIE!*
All over the country citizens are outraged by what many see as the government's overly aggressive airport screenings of passengers. As one man told government inspectors: "Don't Touch My Junk." He didn't want the "government" reaching in his pants or touching him below the belt.
Well, now Jane Murray wants to touch New Boston's junk.
Saturday's Portsmouth Daily Times had the story of a meeting between Jane Murray and New Boston. ("Murray Pitches Floodwall Plans to NB," 11/20/10.) Now Jane says she wants get into New Boston's pants by collecting two new fees for the village: "a flood defense fee and a stormwater fee," using Portsmouth City Water Bills, and she wants to touch New Boston's Floodwall junk.
The Times article reveals Jane Murray's bizarre and frightening approach to her job as the mayor of Crazy-Town!
Less than one month after the citizens of Portsmouth passed a 5-year renewal of the Flood Defense Levy on Nov. 2, Jane Murray now wants to repeal it and replace it with two new fees. (Just like her fight to keep the recall off the ballot...Jane wants to invalidate the vote of the people.)
The flood defense levy is a rate determined and voted on by the citizens of Portsmouth. If the people think the rate was too high, they can vote down the tax.
But the water/sewer and garbage fees which appear on your city utility bill are set by the mayor, not by the voters and not by City Council. Now Jane wants her new "stormwater fee" and "flood defense fee" to be just another "utility" on your bill so she can increase it whenever she wants, just like water, sewer, and garbage. You, as a voter in Portsmouth, would have no say!
No wonder, Mayor Jane recently ordered water bills to be printed monthly! They are about to get so high that no one could afford to pay them every three months!
First Jane admits that she has no knowledge of how New Boston operates...
It looks like New Boston officials had the same reaction to Jane that most people do.
Once again Madam Mayor is trying to bypass City Council with her bizarre scheme.
The City of Portsmouth now has dozens of "flood gate" or openings in the levy or floodwall. Most of them are openings for streets such as on Second Street by the Brewery or on Court Street to get to the riverfront.
Some openings are for train tracks. Only two or three of the City's floodgates have ever been used in the history of Portsmouth since their construction in the 1940s. (Click here for more info.)

Who is the consultant that recommended these "automatic floodgates" to the mayor? The construction costs for each automatic floodgate would be several million dollars. Any engineering firm would love to get that contract. But spending multiple millions to construct floodgates that may never be used, in order to save city employees from having to put up the old-fashioned gates, makes no sense anywhere in the world except for Crazy-Town USA.
Jane Murray's half-wit supporters on the Portsmouth CAVE-porn sites, like River Vices, Moe-ron's Forum and Topix.com, claim that Dave Malone is unqualified to be mayor and that he would raise City water rates if he becomes Mayor. But Jane Murray shows her true nature almost daily and shows her supporters for the fools, liars, and hypocrites they are.
Jane wants to replace the flood levy with a fee she can control, spend the money on ridiculously expensive "automatic" floodgates, and she even wants to influence New Boston's fees.
Four years of Jane Murray's incompetent rule will cripple Portsmouth, but whatever happens with her recall election, we have a recommendation for New Boston. Tell Jane Murray:
Like a typical government bureaucrat, Jane is attempting to create a false crisis by claiming that the City's annual flood defense revenue flow has "dwindled from $225,000 a year to less than $119,000 a year." Councilman Haas reported the correct figures to the Times. As of September of this year, the City had collected $210,825. As the Scioto County Treasurer's Office continues to collect late property taxes and put additional flood defense levy funds in the City's account, the total amount should meet or exceed the $225,000 that the city project for 2010.
This kind of deception and falsification in order to convince public officials and the citizens to go along with her has been a hallmark of Jane's career ever since her disastrous days working as a key assistant to the Mayor of Lexington. As we have described here at P-Town Underground, such tactics by Murray led public officials in Lexington into financial calamity, especially JANE MURRAY"S CULTURAL MASTER PLAN failure that we will be describing to our readers in our next installment.
Finally, the City apparently a small Kentucky-based engineering firm "Howerton Engineering" over $110,000 for work done since January! "...outstanding encumbrances of $110,322,24, which is most likely the amount owed Howerton Engineering for work on the levee certification..." If you are wonder who is paying for Jane Murray's legal fees to fight the recall effort by the citizens of Portsmouth, we believe that "voluntary contributions" by Howerton and others are paying these expenses. They want to keep their "cash cow" in the mayor's office.
As you will see it is no coincidence that Portsmouth is now in pure chaos under Murray's inept and dishonest administration.
The Times article reveals Jane Murray's bizarre and frightening approach to her job as the mayor of Crazy-Town!
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Queen of Crazy-Town strikes again! |
Less than one month after the citizens of Portsmouth passed a 5-year renewal of the Flood Defense Levy on Nov. 2, Jane Murray now wants to repeal it and replace it with two new fees. (Just like her fight to keep the recall off the ballot...Jane wants to invalidate the vote of the people.)
The flood defense levy is a rate determined and voted on by the citizens of Portsmouth. If the people think the rate was too high, they can vote down the tax.
But the water/sewer and garbage fees which appear on your city utility bill are set by the mayor, not by the voters and not by City Council. Now Jane wants her new "stormwater fee" and "flood defense fee" to be just another "utility" on your bill so she can increase it whenever she wants, just like water, sewer, and garbage. You, as a voter in Portsmouth, would have no say!
No wonder, Mayor Jane recently ordered water bills to be printed monthly! They are about to get so high that no one could afford to pay them every three months!
First Jane admits that she has no knowledge of how New Boston operates...
“I don’t know how you (New Boston) fund your flood protection here, but..." [Jane's quote, from the article]...then she proceeds to tell them how they should fund their flood protection system.
It looks like New Boston officials had the same reaction to Jane that most people do.
Once again Madam Mayor is trying to bypass City Council with her bizarre scheme.
Murray said she has not yet proposed these plans to Portsmouth City Council. “It’s still in the developmental stages,” Murray said. [From the article.]Why go to New Boston with her half-baked idea? It seems clear that Jane's plan was to dangle the prospect of a juicy new "revenue stream" in front of New Boston officials and she could claim New Boston's support when she finally took the "plans" to City Council. As usual, Jane's little scheme backfired on her.
The City of Portsmouth now has dozens of "flood gate" or openings in the levy or floodwall. Most of them are openings for streets such as on Second Street by the Brewery or on Court Street to get to the riverfront.
Some openings are for train tracks. Only two or three of the City's floodgates have ever been used in the history of Portsmouth since their construction in the 1940s. (Click here for more info.)
She said she would like to use part of the money to replace the current floodgates — which take about two days to manually install each time they’re used — with new, automatic gates. She said the new gate would allow a quicker response and less work for city employees. [From the Times story.]

Who is the consultant that recommended these "automatic floodgates" to the mayor? The construction costs for each automatic floodgate would be several million dollars. Any engineering firm would love to get that contract. But spending multiple millions to construct floodgates that may never be used, in order to save city employees from having to put up the old-fashioned gates, makes no sense anywhere in the world except for Crazy-Town USA.
Jane Murray's half-wit supporters on the Portsmouth CAVE-porn sites, like River Vices, Moe-ron's Forum and Topix.com, claim that Dave Malone is unqualified to be mayor and that he would raise City water rates if he becomes Mayor. But Jane Murray shows her true nature almost daily and shows her supporters for the fools, liars, and hypocrites they are.
Jane wants to replace the flood levy with a fee she can control, spend the money on ridiculously expensive "automatic" floodgates, and she even wants to influence New Boston's fees.
Four years of Jane Murray's incompetent rule will cripple Portsmouth, but whatever happens with her recall election, we have a recommendation for New Boston. Tell Jane Murray:
*JANE MURRAY'S $100,000 LIE!
UPDATE: 11/24/10:
From today's Portsmouth Daily Times:
Headline: "Haas: Murray's Flood Fund Numbers Don't Add Up" by Frank Lewis
As usual, Jane Murray's gave false and misleading information to New Boston village officials, to the Portsmouth Times, and ultimately to the citizens of Portsmouth in order to justify another one of her wacky, self-serving schemes."Fifth Ward Councilman John Haas says Portsmouth Mayor Jane Murray was way off base when she told hose at meeting with New Boston officials that the flood defense fund had dwindled in recent years."
Like a typical government bureaucrat, Jane is attempting to create a false crisis by claiming that the City's annual flood defense revenue flow has "dwindled from $225,000 a year to less than $119,000 a year." Councilman Haas reported the correct figures to the Times. As of September of this year, the City had collected $210,825. As the Scioto County Treasurer's Office continues to collect late property taxes and put additional flood defense levy funds in the City's account, the total amount should meet or exceed the $225,000 that the city project for 2010.
This kind of deception and falsification in order to convince public officials and the citizens to go along with her has been a hallmark of Jane's career ever since her disastrous days working as a key assistant to the Mayor of Lexington. As we have described here at P-Town Underground, such tactics by Murray led public officials in Lexington into financial calamity, especially JANE MURRAY"S CULTURAL MASTER PLAN failure that we will be describing to our readers in our next installment.
Finally, the City apparently a small Kentucky-based engineering firm "Howerton Engineering" over $110,000 for work done since January! "...outstanding encumbrances of $110,322,24, which is most likely the amount owed Howerton Engineering for work on the levee certification..." If you are wonder who is paying for Jane Murray's legal fees to fight the recall effort by the citizens of Portsmouth, we believe that "voluntary contributions" by Howerton and others are paying these expenses. They want to keep their "cash cow" in the mayor's office.
As you will see it is no coincidence that Portsmouth is now in pure chaos under Murray's inept and dishonest administration.
I hope all of this info doesn't fall on deaf ears. Please everyone out there listen up! This is all true and not just hearsay or gossip. All of this is on record and can be proven. Spread the word and encourage people to get out and vote. We know the CAVE people are working hard to keep THEIR Mayor in office. You can bet they are dragging every person they can persuade to vote against the Recall down early to vote. They will be devoting all of their free time (something they have plenty of)to keeping her in office. They think having Jane as mayor gives them the power that they so desperatly crave. They fight hard and they fight dirty so don't just assume it's a given that she will be recalled. VOTE!!!! Take as many people as you can with you to vote also.
ReplyDeleteI agree!
ReplyDeleteWith donations from the pancake breakfast on Saturday at the Lantern, the Recall Committee will be able to afford to run radio spots and newspaper ads educating the citizens about how vital it is to vote her out.
Citizens can also use their home computers to make RECALL MURRAY DECEMBER 7th signs on 8 1/2 X 11 paper and print them out using their own ink jet printers, and put them in their home and work windows.
We as a city and region can't take any more of this -- thank you, P-Town, for providing us a forum for us to 'Get Our Act Together' to get her out of our city and our lives.
"The construction costs for each automatic floodgate would be several million dollars. Any engineering firm would love to get that contract."
ReplyDeleteAnd I wonder who that will be the same people who put in a good word for Jeff Peck non other than Howerton Eng. I recall Queen Jane saying how well recommended Jeff Peck was to her. And it's also funny how Howerton gets every job the city needs an engineer for even though they have to contract out 90 % of the work. I wonder how much money has been spent with this eng. firm since Jane took office. Things that make you go hrmmmmm.