2. Earthquake and Tsunami in Chile: Earth's Axis Shifted!
Anyday now we can expect the Pope to become a moslem and 8-track tapes to replace CDs.
Of course, her 'apology' is a pure self-serving lie.
Jane, if you really support the A-plant then why did you take a well-known anti-nuclear activist to the OVRDC meeting with you? And let him speak for the City of Portsmouth?

Why did you tell the Portsmouth Times in December that you want to turn the whole place into some kind of Indian burial ground cultural center?
If you "did not have sufficient time to question the drafter before the meeting," then why did you vote at all? And why did you vote "no" after every other member had already voted "yes"?
Your excuse for your stupid vote is that you're "a purist." We all know that's just "pure BS." You got caught in a wringer and now you think we're all so stupid that we'll believe anything you tell us.
The simple fact that she had Mr. Sea make a presentation in our name says enough about her personal agenda over riding her responsibility to the city and the people she was elected to represent....... again and again we see this same attitude of self indulgence at the expense of Portsmouth and it's citizens.
ReplyDeleteNone of her new claims, which are being made to take heat off her back, can possibly change her actions that prove what she truly believes. Misrepresenting her former positions is just another show of her arrogance and how little she thinks about the intelligence of people she represents.