It's funny how things happen sometimes. For instance, when two articles appear in the same newspaper that seem to contradict each other. Like the Portsmouth Daily Times yesterday.
First we read that Mayor Murray is asking 2 US Senators for $8.5 Million to do a bunch of engineering work (I'll bet she already has the engineers picked out, maybe from Lexington???) so she can ask them for another $40 million-plus to build what the engineers draw up. (Somehow we don't think
Voinovich and Brown will be in a very receptive mood after Murray voted against the
A-Plant resolution they and the governor supported and embarassed Portsmouth throughout the State of Ohio.) Click
HERE to read the whole story.

Then yesterday's Times featured another story. A report about a recent inspection of the City's
Sewage Plant.

The thing is, in our humble opinion, they seem to contradict each other. Mayor Murray tells Senators Voinovich and Brown that the
wastewater plant is about to experience "a catastrophic failure."

Unfortunately, the EPA inspector seems to be totally oblivious to this coming catastrophe! He did not see any "major violations." So, when the
wastewater plant suddenly goes
blooey, boy, this guy is really gonna have egg on his face!

So you see our dilemma? Who are we to believe? Is the EPA inspector blind as an umpire? Or is the Mayor's latest press release just more propaganda to try to convince the gullible citizens of Portsmouth that she knows what she is doing and to distract attention from her continuing
disastrous administration?
Hmmm. Who do we believe? The EPA or the Mayor of Crazy Town?
Maybe the only catastrophic failure the City needs to worry about is in the Mayor's office.
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