President Obama gets it.
Governor Strickland gets it.

The County Commissioners get it.

The Portsmouth Daily Times gets it.

The Portsmouth City Council gets it.

Why doesn't Jane Murray get it?

Jane Murray...
...the Mayor of Crazy Town...
...the only mayor in the world with a new bathroom, but no desk...
...the woman who gets all of her advice from CAVE People, convicted felons, and anti-nuclear activists...
What do you think, readers? Why doesn't Jane Murray get it?
She came into office with the purpose of acting upon grudges against people she imagines have slighted her in some way. She cannot control her temper, she cannot focus on what is important rather than pulling up her carpet and hanging her curtains...she does NOT care what is best for Portsmouth, she cares what is best for Jane.
ReplyDeleteI think this "anonymous" gets it. I totally agree.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is the WORST Administrator/Politician I have EVER SEEN! She has Stalin like directives but cave people intelligence. This combination makes it impossible for her to even try to do things and not get caught. LUCKY for the citizens of Portsmouth she is NOT smart enough to cover her tracks on this disasterous term as Mayor of Portsmouth....or MAYOR of CRAZYTOWN!
ReplyDeleteI realize this comment most likely will not be posted, as you have not posted any of my comments that haven't met your agenda.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your site, and read it regularly. HOWEVER, I don't know why none of you can see any other options but the A-Plant for the Piketon site. They are "getting it" right across the river at the biofuel plant. They are "getting it" further north at numerous wind and solar plants. The A-Plant and USEC have become gods to which people here are willing to sacrifice themselves and their families. As many people here consider themselves Christians, we should be able to see that this is no longer necessary. We should "get" the new era.
Thanks for reading this, even if you don't post it. And again, thanks for keeping us informed.
To the last anonymous comment:
ReplyDeleteJust to be clear-you are telling us that the President, Governor, and Scioto County Commmissioners (who are all Democrats, by the way) are all wrong about nuclear power and you and Jane are right???
Like it or not, nuclear power really is the energy source of the future. Europe and the rest of the world are way ahead of us and we need to catch up. Really, don't be a Luddite. Nuclear power IS the "new era."
Beware of anyone who tells you how a good Christian should believe.
ReplyDeleteEverything is about Jane, everything.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Portsmouth don't matter, the financial condition of Portsmouth doesn’t matter, the Portsmouth city workers don't matter, the unemployed don't matter, the pitiful condition of the city building doesn't matter, the police don't matter, the city council doesn't matter, the city streets don't matter, getting along with people she works with doesn't matter, making a complete fool of herself and the people of Portsmouth doesn't matter, and public safety doesn't matter
Her bathroom matters, her "missing" desk matters, her Kentucky friend matters, her $2,000,000 suit against the city matters, getting the city to pay for Mr. Peck's hotel bills matters, getting Jane a raise matters, and everything about Jane matters. All else is a distraction from what matters to Jane.
To dogface: We think we accidentally lost your most recent comment. Sorry. Blogspot gets the best of us sometimes.
ReplyDeleteNever mind. It showed up.