Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How Sad

It's no wonder that our city council has to spend night after night in special meetings to try to come up with a workable budget for the City. All the mayor is is a hindrance to the process. The following chart, prepared by the Mayor, appears on the City's website. (Click here to see for yourself.) It is ridiculous that our Madam Mayor Murray does not even know what a "general fund expenditure" is. The water, wastewater, and flood defense divisions have their own sources of revenue and are not general fund expenditures.
This is one of the two charts Murray used at her infamous state of the city address where she told us that..."whether it's water or sewer-we use those services multiple times a day. We all turn on water. We all flush the toilet multiple times per day."
God help us.


  1. I just hope they find the thousands and thousands of dollars that she just added to this years budget compared to last years. Sewer manitance had a budget of 448,000 under Kolb,now she has it at 776,000?? I thought we were in the red mayor??

  2. Don't know what her IQ is, but her common sense must be somewhere near zero. I have lived in small and large cities and she is the most inept "leader" I have ever had the misfortune to witness in action.

  3. Is she doing all this stuff herself or does she have someone else that knows nothing "helping" her? I thought her "staff" was supposed to be as asset to the office.
    Her "we're not broke, we're just in deficit" mentality, that mirrors one of our county commissioners statements, exemplifies the remarkable ineptness with the duties of her job.
    I think starting a "Get a Clue" fund needs to be set up for our mayor. Any unused monies then be forwarded to help pay for the recall.

  4. She's a hot mess.

  5. City Council really should be commended for doing her job for her, they've worked hard. Having to cover her ass is a full-time job.

  6. Probably gonna need a bigger portion under "legal"...

  7. You should put a big countdown clock at the top of the page, counting down the time left until "Ma'am" Mayor can be recalled.

  8. A countdown clock is an excellent idea. We will try to present more information about the upocming recall process in coming weeks.

  9. I hear she didn't even have the decency to come to the budget meeting last night. How pathetic.

  10. The November election cant get here fast enough!!

  11. Considering Mayor Jane's "pie"chart and not attending the budget meeting, I hope the public will realize, when the budget is finally finished, to whom the credit should be attributed. Who were the ones burning the midnight oil to actually produce a budget.

  12. She went to the ballet at the Vern Riffe that night....our paychecks are not important.
