Saturday, March 27, 2010

Murray's 2 Biggest Problems: Her Arrogance and Her Advisors

Some Folks get it........................ Mayor will need to earn the respect she wants (from Today's Portsmouth Daily Times)
Just who is this big-city woman who comes riding high into our sleepy little one-horse town, virtually unknown to anyone who knows anyone, bragging about her over-qualifications (which she can’t back up) and claiming the ability to solve all of our problems? The dozen or so times I met her during the campaign she always said, “Oh, please call me Jane.” She sweet-talked enough locals to out-poll two qualified lifetime Portsmouth residents and win. Now, when anyone calls her Jane, she is insulted. She seems to think that being addressed on a first-name basis, even when you live in a small friendly community, is beneath her dignity. It seems that the lesson in humility that good ol’ “Just call me Jane” should be learning is a hard pill to swallow. In my years, I have known or just met many business leaders, professionals, elected officials — from local judges clear up to an Ohio attorney general — and not one has ever insisted on being addressed by their official title. I would also like to add that, not one has come into office so ill-equipped that they had to advertise, openly, in a newspaper of general circulation, to fill important full-time office staff positions, with benefits, out of the general labor pool. The outbursts, rantings and mood swings of our mayor are a disgrace to the city of Portsmouth and an insult to the misguided voters who put her in office. If you haven’t guessed, I’m not one of them. The person who sits in that office should be one of leadership. Leadership by example, with a willingness to cooperate and do whatever it takes to get things done. What we have is a name-calling, finger-pointer who hides behind e-mails and interoffice memo to a select few and are divisive in nature. There is an old saying, “Love is given; respect is earned.” Thank you JoAnn, for not bowing down to her majesty’s demand for respect (for her title) that she clearly has not earned. Walt Herrmann, Portsmouth
Some folks don't..............
(C0mment on the Portsmouth Times website)
"A Citizen" wrote on Wednesday, Mar 24 at 11:47 AM
The Mayor sits on that committee for the project, it's regional not parochial like your demeanor and attitude. Even here, you think Portsmouth should not come out of it's cage? wonder, this town goes no where fast. And the election is over, are you a Birther too? The Mayor's the Mayor, what are you doing for the community besides tearing it down like so many are? Greedy for salary and perks, and the like? Wonder why you are wallowing in the squalor? Geeish............
If Jane Murray keeps on listening to brainiacs like this, she will be lucky to have even a citizen supporting her in July... when recall season begins.


  1. Wow Walt really does get it! Poor ole A Citizen (aka Russ Doyle on Moe's website) wiill never get it. Some people are just gullible and pretty easy to fool. Too bad more people didn't check out PTOWN UNDERGROUND before voting Insane Jane into office. Everywhere I go people are talking about how badly she is screwing up. She'll be gone by July. The very people who voted her in will RECALL her. I hope the City can survive until then.

  2. "A Citizen"..(a.k.a. Russ Doyle) is a CAVE member who lacks intelligence and education. One can tell by his rants and poor sentence structure.

    Murray has went to far with her attitude. She will never be able to befriend or gain back the confidence and trust of the employees. Stick a fork in her...she's done.

  3. I don't mean to criticize you guys.....but one of her biggest problems is that she's mentally unstable! In plain English...She's CRAZY!

  4. To Godfather:

    OK. Her THREE Biggest Problems are....

  5. The way I see it, the mayor's been gettin' the 'spect she deserves...... Zero, zip, zilch, nada, nix, nil, none
    naught, nothing, where'd it go damn long gone......
    Ma-dam Ma-yor's, big butt bong!! but not for long....
    Put that to a rap beat.....
