And especially you whose livelihoods depend on the success of the A-Plant. How can you face your co-workers after the way Murray made a fool of herself and embarrassed the City of Portsmouth in December, even before her first day in office, with her ridiculous and self-serving little tour of your workplace. (Click here for a reminder.) That ongoing embarrassment continued last week at the Ohio Valley Development Commission.
Elected leaders come from as far away as Gallipolis and Clermont County to serve on the Board of the Ohio Valley Development Commission. They come, many on their own time, to support development projects and to request assistance for our area from state and federal funding sources. These meetings are often attended by representatives of congress and the governor's office.
But our brilliant mayor used her first meeting with this group to cast the only dissenting vote against a resolution to help support the removal of outdated equipment and clean up at the Piketon plant. Seventeen members from Chilicothe, Piketon, Waverly, and elsewhere voted for the measure, proposed by the Scioto and Pike County Commissioners. Would Jim Kalb have done this? Would Jerry Skiver? Of course not, but the Mayor of Crazy Town did.
"Grants, grants, grants," Murray says. "I know how to get grants for the city!!" Yeah, right. Ninety percent of the grants that come into Portsmouth and Scioto County come through the OVRDC. They actually vote on what grants applications get passed on to the State of Ohio and the federal government for funding. In fact, Jane, that's why they exist. Way to make a good impression on them Jane! Show them who's boss in Crazy Town!
Murray's budget is still not done (she's blaming everyone else for this ), the Police Chief has been muzzled, EPA has repeatedly been given the middle finger by her Highness, and the City is near financial chaos. (At least her bathroom is finished.) But instead of doing something constructive, like solving the problems she was elected to address, she's doing something she never campaigned on and was not elected to do. Did you vote for her so she would try to stop projects at the A-plant that can bring in thousands of jobs? I know we didn't.
What you didn't read in the Portsmouth Times, but we can tell you here, is the REST OF THE STORY of what happened at the OVRDC meeting. Just when you think this genius Mayor of ours can't get any stranger, she tops herself.
The Board Meeting that Murray is entitled to attend as the Mayor of Portsmouth is a meeting of elected officials and funding professional across Southern Ohio, from 12 counties. Some drive hours from Batavia, Washington Court House, or Gallia County and elsewhere just to attend this meeting. What dio they get out of it? A donut and chance to help this region advance economically.
Democrats and Republicans work together to represent communities from tiny villages and less-populated counties to the biggest cities in the region (Portsmouth is the biggest of them) with a single goal: the betterment of our area. They don't bring the petty grievances. They don't bring in bums from the street to talk about homelessness. Unlike a Portsmouth Council Meeting, they don't invite in the dregs of the earth to tell them all what fools they are. And these representatives don't bring in "uninvited guests" for silly little show-and-tell sessions. It is an orderly and dignified group of men and women.
At least, it was.
But Jane Murray is special. She's entitled. She's smarter than those hayseed hick hillbillies.
Without asking for permission or notifying anyone beforehand, Murray brought someone to the meeting with her. Not a citizen of Portsmouth. Not Mr. Peck. Not an A-Plant employee. She brought a man, well-known to many in the meeting. A Pike County resident named Geoffrey Sea.
Mr. Sea is an anti-nuclear activist. He is part of a small group of nimrods who literally want to shut down the A-Plant. Jane Murray invited him to speak to the OVRDC members, which he did. He lectured these ladies and gentlemen, who have such a major influence on what grants we in the City of Portsmouth can receive.
Mr. Sea is part of the Southern Ohio Neighbors Group, a tiny crew of anti-nuke kooks, who have caused endless problems for the A-Plant. This is the group Jane has sided with, against the interests of the Citizens of Portsmouth. This is the same Geoffrey Sea who, just last month, wrote a letter published in the Portsmouth Times that called Pike County Commissioner Blaine Beekman (a board member of the OVRDC) a "dishonest, self-serving...obstructionist" who made "empty promises and backroom deals." (Click here to read the tree-hugger's letter.) Very tactful, Jane.
Arrogantly imposing Mr. Sea's ranting on the attendees at that meeting was WORSE than her negative vote on the resolution. It was a slap in the face to the Commission. And it was a dark stain on our City in the eyes of our neighbors. Jane's way of saying, "Screw OVRDC. I know what's best."

Doesn't "dereliction of duty" offer an immediate removal of this city cancer from office?
ReplyDeleteHer handling of the city waste water system should be enough to prove that charge.
I do not think they will ever be happy. Most of them can't even hold down a real job, or keep off the drugs, or pay their taxes. I am no longer surprised at how they they defend her for the EXACT same things they deceitfully accuse other people of...they are easy to see through, and easy to predict. Small minds usually are.
ReplyDeleteIs anybody really surprised ??? Jane Murray has the people skills of those badgers you can buy at "Swap Days." All she sees is what she personally percieves. For a little country girl who grew up in Malonton, Ky, her superiority complex needs to take a quick reality check to realize that marrying a rich lawyer in Lexington was the only reason she was allowed to flaunt her non existant wannabe social skills. Sorry, but the truth is it really isn't "talent." There's another name for it, and she's doing it to all of us who call Portsmouth our home. Maybe that's why she demands to be called "madame."
ReplyDeleteWhen's the recall election?
ReplyDeleteI thank the city council and county commissioners for doing what was right but I find our mayors actions as despicable and arrogant by being so anti-job and anti-business from her position as our mayor.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the petitions? I'm sure there are a lot of portsmouth citizens looking for one to sign....... anyone know where?
To dogface and others:
ReplyDeletePer the City Charter, recall petitions cannot be circulated until July 6, 2010. (The recall process cannot begin until the elected official has been in office for six months. The City will be closed July 5 since the holiday falls on Sunday.) If you are a citizen of Portsmouth and you want to pass recall petitions, you can get them from the City Clerk on the 2nd Floor of the City Building, beginning July 6.
(Just look for the line of CAVE People at the door, who will be there to take out petitions against the council members who dare to oppose Her Highness, Queen Jane.)