Did you know that the City Portsmouth now has a Sheriff? It's true.
Mayor Murray has already gotten rid of four department heads: the Directors of Wastewater, Service, Community Development, and Water Works (who she had to "grudgingly" take back). Next maybe she'll get rid of the Police Chief. After all, why pay Horner when Jeff Peck, Commissioner of Engineering, Public Services, Outhouse Inspection, and Dental Hygiene (his title just keeps getting longer), is now Sheriff of Crazy Town? Peck can do Horner's job, too.
Mayor Murray has already gotten rid of four department heads: the Directors of Wastewater, Service, Community Development, and Water Works (who she had to "grudgingly" take back). Next maybe she'll get rid of the Police Chief. After all, why pay Horner when Jeff Peck, Commissioner of Engineering, Public Services, Outhouse Inspection, and Dental Hygiene (his title just keeps getting longer), is now Sheriff of Crazy Town? Peck can do Horner's job, too.
From yesterday's Portsmouth Daily Times:
Mayor Picks ‘Official Presenter’: Police Chief Ordered To Deny Any Other Presentations
Portsmouth Mayor Jane Murray has ordered Police Chief Charles Horner, chairman of the City Traffic Committee, not to allow any other presenters at today’s Traffic Committee meeting, except Jeff Peck, her service director, who continues to go by the title of Commissioner of Engineering and Public Service, despite having that title rejected by Portsmouth City Council.
In a directive to Horner, Murray wrote: “In that this is an engineering matter, I am ordering that the only ‘official presenter’ at the Traffic Committee meeting on Thursday, Feb. 25 will be Mr. Jeff Peck... Furthermore, no member of the Kalb or previous administrations shall make a presentation at this or future meetings until I have given my express authorization.”
That was in direct reference to a planned appearance by former Portsmouth City Services Director Chris Murphy, who had planned to speak, since he was over the Service Department when the decision was made to accept many of the recommendations by the Ohio Department of Transportation, and remove several stop/go traffic signals. One line at the bottom of the directive summed up the tone of the order — “In total, this is a direct order.”
Yes. Peck, the magic engineer, who can do all things (except maybe pay his bill at the Ramada Inn) is now the Sheriff of Crazy Town. Below we have an actual photograph of Peck investigating the latest crime in Portsmouth.

"All right. Which one of you all took that picture of the Mayor's bathroom?"
Readers. What do you think Peck is saying in the picture above?
Mr.Peck: Ok. Now what's my title today? I seem to have forgotten it. Her Hine-Ass changed it again yesterday. Do you think she can get the council to reimburse me for my business cards? I mean I just get em printed and she changes my title. She convinced me to use the Lexington printing firm, says she could get me a discount. Later she tells me I have to drive to Lexington to pick them up because she didn't want to pay shipping. I've now incurred expenses in excess of 1.5 Million dollars. Oh wait she says the taxpayers will cover it and we can blame it on the previous administration. Ok back to the bathroom issue. Her Royal Mayor , oh I'm sorry didn't I mention she also changed her title? She thought it would be more in style with her new POWDER ROOM yes that title has changed also. By the way contact that Lexington Printer and tell them she also needs a new sign reading Her Royal Mayor's Private Powder Room . Oh and the disclaimer sign, Trespassers Will Be Shot. She would like those letters in pink with gold marbling. She said she's sure we can pay for that with the $ from the sale of the antique restroom fixtures she had removed from the previous administration's restroom. What's that? Those disappeared with Mr. Vetter? Well let's see... who can we fire to cover that expense? Goodness I'm tired! Is it lunch time yet? She did what? She outlawed lunchtime? Ok. NOW she's gone to far! I'll recall the Witch.
ReplyDeleteI think a better question is; Why is anyone listening?
ReplyDeleteDoes Mr. Peck even have an actual position here? Mayor Murray is starting to look more like a dictator than a mayor. I'm glad the Traffic Committee adjourned the meeting before Peck could deliver his speech. One thing that seems apparent from this fiasco is that Portsmouth method of governance is flawed. Perhaps it is time to reevaluate our charter.
OK, who thinks this non sense should go on beyond next fall? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
ReplyDelete'Have any of you tried the 2 for 22 special at the Ramada? Do you realize that you also get half an onion loaf with that too? Lunch and dinner both, it hits the spot....especially when you're not paying for it, sweet."
ReplyDeleteUH....what's-your-name..... go get me some coffee NOW! or I'll have you arrested on misdemeanor charges by order of the mayor..
ReplyDeleteDid you take my twinkie?
ReplyDeleteWhere does he mayor get the power to run a meeting she wasn't invited to? Is she so full of herself she doesn't understand basic simple protocol.
ReplyDeleteWould someone please read the city charter and explain what it says to this thick headed woman. It seems she can't read or comprehend the words and phrases of the document or even worse, intentionally ignoring the rules she has sworn to govern by. Maybe consulting the legal department would be one good decision she could make. Maybe they could explain to her how stupid she has been acting in reference to her overstepping her authority and ignoring her sworn duty to run her office according to the rules set by the city charter.
I wonder if her actions, especially the firing of the head of Waste Water Dept. with no viable plan to keep the city in EPA compliance, could be considered "dereliction of duty", a charge that could remove her from office immediately.
Does anyone want to smell my finger?
ReplyDeleteThe other people at the table are thinking, "My God, he's going to leap over this table and eat all of us!"
ReplyDeleteThe Mayor is in ERROR --The subject for discussion at this meeting was NOT just an 'Engineering Matter' but first and foremost a PUBLIC SAFETY matter -- which is why it is criminal -- or should be -- that the Chief Of Police was order-bound NOT to share with the citizenry important information vital to their present and future well-being.