Based on a story in yesterday's Portsmouth Daily Times (2/3/2010), we can now say that our sources are right. The paper reported that in Murray's disastrous meeting with the Ohio EPA, Peck and Murray revealed that they have been trying to recruit Scisson (who the Times refers to as "Sisson.") to run the city’s Wastewater Plant.

Peck talked about hiring James Sisson as an operator for the city’s Wastewater Plant.
Peck said... “We’ve actually got someone who is willing to come on board right this minute for the salary that the city has allotted. This guy is actually a class III, (referring to Scisson) and it is my understanding that he has just submitted the paperwork to get his class IV.”
“That would be news to me that he (Scisson) applied for his class IV. As of yesterday, we had not received the application,” Barienbrock said.
Peck is obviously lying (as he and Murray did throughout the Times story), and Mr. Barienbrock, an official with the Ohio EPA, calls him on it.
Also, it is obvious that, once again, the Mayor and her staff have not done their homework. Surely they would not have knowingly offered a job to a man who just recently plead guilty to a reduced charge after being prosecuted in the Lucas County Courthouse with ATTEMPTED MURDER!! (But with these people you never know!)
If you want to check it out for yourself, go to, and type in Scisson James.
Mayor Murray continues to blow us away. What is it with Murray's attraction to felons and lunatics? Murray is supposed to get the criminal element out of our City, not import them from Toledo!
God help our city!
Murray is mentally ill. Anyone who continues to support her now, given the facts of what she has done, must want to see this community fail. There is simply no other way to explain it.
ReplyDeleteWow, pleaded "insanity"!?!?!? He would fit in Jane's administrative crew just fine. Can you imagine the conversations about their legal finagling and lawyer’s procedures to convince the juries that they didn’t do anything wrong. “Insanity????? I’m cool with that”
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone in that group understand background checks or are they so desperate, because of her vindictive policies, that they will settle for any warm body to help her save face. This has continued to be all about her, not the city. She could care less about Portsmouth or she would drop her $2,000,000 suit against the city.
You have to love "ACitizen" and his/her attempts to honor the mayor with barely intelligible “pats on the back(side)" on the blogs and paper comments.... Good job Richey.
To City council;
Word on the street is Sisson is no lonhger sure he wants to work in a town with websites like P-Town Underground & Irish Mob in them. Looks like we're doing something right guys.
ReplyDeleteJust wait it will be your guys fault next that she can't replace someone who never should have been terminated in the first place. I am so proud of this website along with the Irish Mob Blog real news without the bullshit!! Keep it up everyone is behind you.......
ReplyDeleteNo..Not everyone is behind this BS website!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is more hate spread on this site then any other site that deals with Portsmouth.
This site is far worse then
And I do believe that I'm the only poster on here that is not directly tied to this web page.
SoPo is sooooo wrong. It's pretty clear you can't deal with the truth.
ReplyDeletePersonally, no one in here has a clue to my identity, especially the ones that run the site, whomever they may be, and that is a fact.
If there is something you know is wrong tell everyone what it is. Don't blanket myself and the other people in here as part of the "site" either, that's simply not the truth. Instead of dissing everyone why don't you contribute something that involves facts instead of innuendo.
tht's Mr.dogface to you.....
To City council;
please show any false news this site has investigated or reported on since this is a so called "BS website"
ReplyDeleteDear SoPo,
ReplyDeleteWhat have we said that is incorrect? Why don't you like our website? Do you think the information we present should be hidden from the people of Portsmouth?
We sincerely hope you will answer.
I find it humorous that city council has had to take on the task of trying to save the city from the arrogance of the Mayor. First reading for changing the rules of who has control of traffic light locations was a smart step to protect our citizens.
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable! She is once again on her soap box and grabbing at people to cover her because she jumped the gun and fired individuals before she knew the ramifications of her actions. It is so nice to know that she know is looking at hiring a man of this caliber, of course that seems to be the only people that is willing to work under that administration. My fear is that the City will be in horrendous shape before the alloted time to recall her. I have noticed that Acitizen is posting a lot on the PDT website. Maybe the cronies on Moe's and the "concerned citizens" website has grown weary of his biased mouth vomit on their sites. Best I can tell he and Murray are both due for a mental evaluation.