Mayor Murray has already gotten rid of four department heads: the Directors of Wastewater, Service, Community Development, and Water Works (who she had to "grudgingly" take back). Next maybe she'll get rid of the Police Chief. After all, why pay Horner when Jeff Peck, Commissioner of Engineering, Public Services, Outhouse Inspection, and Dental Hygiene (his title just keeps getting longer), is now Sheriff of Crazy Town? Peck can do Horner's job, too.
Mayor Picks ‘Official Presenter’: Police Chief Ordered To Deny Any Other Presentations
Portsmouth Mayor Jane Murray has ordered Police Chief Charles Horner, chairman of the City Traffic Committee, not to allow any other presenters at today’s Traffic Committee meeting, except Jeff Peck, her service director, who continues to go by the title of Commissioner of Engineering and Public Service, despite having that title rejected by Portsmouth City Council.
In a directive to Horner, Murray wrote: “In that this is an engineering matter, I am ordering that the only ‘official presenter’ at the Traffic Committee meeting on Thursday, Feb. 25 will be Mr. Jeff Peck... Furthermore, no member of the Kalb or previous administrations shall make a presentation at this or future meetings until I have given my express authorization.”
That was in direct reference to a planned appearance by former Portsmouth City Services Director Chris Murphy, who had planned to speak, since he was over the Service Department when the decision was made to accept many of the recommendations by the Ohio Department of Transportation, and remove several stop/go traffic signals. One line at the bottom of the directive summed up the tone of the order — “In total, this is a direct order.”
Yes. Peck, the magic engineer, who can do all things (except maybe pay his bill at the Ramada Inn) is now the Sheriff of Crazy Town. Below we have an actual photograph of Peck investigating the latest crime in Portsmouth.

"All right. Which one of you all took that picture of the Mayor's bathroom?"
Readers. What do you think Peck is saying in the picture above?