Friday, May 14, 2010

Elvis Has Left The Building

Portsmouth Daily Times says Jeffory Peck is on his way out.


  1. The interview was held at Tim Horton's?

    Gee...I guess Peck DID work for donuts after all...just like P-Town said!

  2. Haha. Thanks. Some muffins and a box of Timbits must be part of his severance package.

  3. Another "pie in the sky" promise from the mayor, the $60,000 salary for both, gone sour.
    Good bye, good ridence, have a great life in Kentucky......

    Could you take Jane with you? Please?!?!?!

  4. Interesting, though, that he isn't gone yet. Are we SURE he's leaving? I'll believe it when he crosses the bridge. I still want to know who is paying for his bill at the Ramada. It should NOT be the taxpayers. Let Janie pay for it, along with the bill for her office and bathroom renovations.

  5. Sounds alot like more stonewalling on her part. I'll just tell everybody he is leaving while I figure out a way to keep him....

  6. Wanna bet Peck's still on the payroll as the Director (Clas IV position) and the Mayor hasn't filed paperwork, again!!!! PLEASE fine us, EPA. Give the Solicitor an opportunity to file criminal charges on her.
