Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not Playing with a Full Deck

Are you sure you want to play cards with these people? They would be a bad hand for Portsmouth.


  1. Wonder why Miss Murray gave K.Johnson free exposure during her press conference. Ironic that he should complain about P-Town's anon. writers when he,himself wrote articles for another blogsite under an assumed name. Of course that was when he opposed the Mollettes.After reading the SF Chron. article it's clear to see that he has an agenda. He would most likely leave town in midterm if elected. I personally don't have a problem with the fact taht he is gay. I do have a problem with the statement that he made about coming to Portsmouth with the intent to stir things up. I have a problem with people who move away to pursue careers and either fail or become bored, then decide to move back "home" to tell us "ignorant" folk what we've done wrong. We stay here fighting the good fight trying daily to pump life back into our hometown. We've never given up. Along comes Slim Shady Lady and Gent to save us. They LOVE Portsmouth, yet they left for greener pastures. This includes Skiver up until August was hoping to relocate to the Akron area. He's a nice guy, but we were his last choice. I would feel better about him if he would address this and tell us why he waited until he had exhausted the job opportunities in nortehern ohio before deciding he would rescue us. When researching him on the internet I came across at least six different school districts (away from here) where he had applied for the position of superintendent. He was not chosen for ANY of these. The last one turned him down in August. It was only then that he turned his attention to us.

  2. Not a fair comment about people who leave and then come back. Many reasons cause people to leave including school, jobs, family. That doesn't mean they don't love this area. They came back, right?
