USEC, the place you probably call the A-Plant, isn't a bad place to work. But like any workplace there are always certain people who ruin it for everyone else. For example, Harald Daub. He's one of those guys you try to avoid if you see him coming. All he does is piss and moan about everything that is wrong in the world. Especially the City of Portsmouth which has been his obsession ever since he was recalled as a City Councilman. (You know that nice big Towne Center Mall they have in Ashland, Kentucky. Well, they were going to build that in Portsmouth, but Daub was on Council and he was afraid some developers were going to make some money on the deal, so he voted against it. Some people resented that and Harald was recalled.)
Anyway, no matter who the mayor is Daub always wants to recall him for this or that. Everyone who disagrees with him is automatically a 'crook' whose 'lining their pocketh' with bribes and 'raithing thity taxeth.' And usually Daub helped get the 'crook' elected in the first place. And at work, you can't get away from him. And the whole time he's talking to you, you're thinking "I wish I could just hold you down and snip those stupid mousetails off your mustache," or "Why can't you just learn to pronounce the letter S?" Of course we all feel that way about him. As we say at the plant: "A Little Daub'll Do You."
Even though I don't live in Portsmouth, I used to go to council meetings sometimes, but I got so sick of Daub and the rest of the chain of fools that always gets up to bitch at Council, that I quit going. I say that anyone (meaning city council) who sits there and listens to Daub and his gang of freaks without going postal deserves a medal (or at least a free mental health screening). When I heard Daub was supporting Jane Murray I wasn't one bit surprised.
Here are some little known facts about Harald Daub:
1) Daub is an Aldi's "Secret Shopper."

Don't you just hate it when your out shopping with your nephew and you get arrested for no reason? And it turns out your nephew did it. I hate it when that happens.
2) Daub is a renowned pugilist

Don't you just hate it when your minding your own business and a city official walks up and punches you for no reason and you end up in the hospital and you don't have any witnesses? I hate when that happens.
3) Daub is a record-breaking politician: Harald Daub holds the record for getting the fewest number of votes of any candidate for County Commissioner when he ran for the office in 2006. (It must have been his great slogan: "Do As U Believe!" Not quite as catchy as "Yes, We Can!")

He also holds the record for the shortest term on City Council. After being elected to City Council in 1979 he did such a bang-up job that he was recalled the next year, after just 10 months in office--by law that is the shortest amount of time that citizens had to wait to recall a council person. Ever since being recalled, Daub has had it out for the City.
Don't you just hate it when you're doing a great job as a City Councilman, making sure that no malls get built in your town, and you get recalled for no reason? I hate it when that happens.
A word of warning to Ms. Murray: Daub was at one time Jim Kalb's biggest supporter. Now he's your biggest supporter and he's out to get Kalb. Just remember the other saying we have at the plant:
"A Little Daub'll Screw Ya."
Your website sucks. Nobody cares about Mollette or Daub. If you have something to day about the candidates for mayor, say it. If not, go away.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but you gotta admit. That's funny as hell.
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ReplyDeleteThis site is great! It's the talk of the town. The news is spreading like wildfire. Great writing, very informative yet funny!
ReplyDeleteFinally, local information which is not driven by personal agendas!
ReplyDeleteHow in the world did Daub keep this story out of the news for so long. The other websites who love to trash everyone failed to report it. I assume that is because it was one of their own. Where is the transparency and accountability? Oh yeah that is what they preach not what they practice. Thanks for bringing us the news even if we did have to wait to get it from you. The Times could learn alot from you.
ReplyDeleteLOL THATS FUNNY AS HELL AND THATS ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT !!!!!! (my best impression of the East Ender for the East End non other that Wayne (sleep on my porch) Nichols