In case you didn't see it yesterday, Madame Mayor Jane Murray put on quite a show on WSAZ. She proved once again that she truly is the "Queen of Denial."
Here is the report from the WSAZ website:
In case you didn't see it yesterday, Madame Mayor Jane Murray put on quite a show on WSAZ. She proved once again that she truly is the "Queen of Denial."
Here is the report from the WSAZ website:
PORTSMOUTH, Ohio (WSAZ) -- "They’ve been gunning for me from the start."There is just so much we could say about Murray's ridiculous and arrogant comments. If "she wouldn't change a thing she's done," does that mean she would still vote "NO" on the A-Plant Expansion project? Would she still hire an un-qualified, un-licensed, so-called engineer with no engineering degree, and offer him a salary not authorized by City Council? Would she still fire Sam Sutherland and Rick Duncan, only to offer both of them their jobs back two weeks later? Would she still demand that the police chief, police officers, and the Third Ward Councilman refer to her as "Madam Mayor" instead of Maam? Would she still re-install the traffic lights and then leave them covered with garbage bags for eight months, despite the ODOT study that said they were not needed?
That’s what defiant Portsmouth Mayor Jane Murray says about the recall effort underway to possibly remove her from office. Murray has refused any comment on the recall -- until now. The mayor says she was elected last November to make changes in the troubled river city. She says she wouldn't change a thing she's done, except may slow it down some.
She blames the anti-Jane Murray sentiment on misinformation, city corruption and just plain meanness. But it looks like Portsmouth voters will decide on the mayor's future in office this November.
We asked Murray about the challenges she's faced since taking office. She said the citizens of Portsmouth don't know the truth, saying they've been fed politically slanted misinformation from the underground Internet -- even the mainstream media.
And she proudly stands 100 percent behind her tumultuous tenure as mayor. Murray says she stands by everything she’s done. She added that she's never seen more corruption and meanness in any place she’s been and she says she’s not used to that.
If and when the recall petitions are certified (possibly as early as Wednesday), Murray will have five days to resign. The mayor says she's not a quitter and will not resign.
But, no, she said it herself: She wouldn't change a thing.
What really strikes us is her statement that she is "not used" to the level of "meanness" she has been subjected to in Portsmouth! Really, Jane? Meanness?
* How mean was it to fire five people on January 4, your first day in office, people with bills to pay and families to provide for, without any notice or hearing? (Did you know she didn't even meet with the employees she fired? She sent her two "hit men" to do the dirty work?)
* How mean was it to go on WSAZ-TV and accuse Water Works Director Sam Sutherland, a man of excellent reputation and standing in his profession and his community, of criminal acts with no justification? "Murray says (Sutherland) may be the subject of a reopened investigation into water department mismanagement. 'The statute of limitation has not expired,' she said. (Murray) also said she's consulting on union contracts with former city employee Roy "Bubb" Payton who was convicted last year on felony charges involving city property. Murray said her probe shows Payton was the victim (of wrongful termination by Sutherland)." WSAZ-TV, 1/4/10.
* Finally, if the Mayor thinks it is MEAN for citizens of Portsmouth to exercize their constitutional right to recall a public official who they are not satisfied with, then what does that make Jane Murray? As we said in April of this year, Jane Murray got her political start in Portsmouth by starting a recall campaign against then- President of Council Howard Baughman. (Click here for story.)

Jane Murray: Queen of Denial, Queen of Mean.
...and what does she mean by "Most corrupt city"...More so than Lexington use to be?
ReplyDeleteThe NERVE of that lying Bobble Headed Twit!
ReplyDeletefrom the WSAZ TV website report of the Six O'Clock news story:
"...She said the citizens of Portsmouth don't know the truth, saying they've been fed politically slanted misinformation from the underground Internet -- even the mainstream media."
Congrats, P-Town! You've made the 'Big Time!' and hit a nerve! Even Jane reads you !!!
The truth is that SHE has been the one who has been feeding the public politically slanted misinformation about herself and her actions from Day One. Congrats to you, P-Town, for continuing to help us 'keep score' as she continues to try to 'even the score' against her enemies -- real or imagined!
from the WSAZ TV website report of the Six O'Clock news story:
"...And she proudly stands 100 percent behind her tumultuous tenure as mayor. Murray says she stands by everything she’s done. She added that she's never seen more corruption and meanness in any place she’s been and she says she’s not used to that."
She admits to all her sins and is proud of them!!! But she still refuses to acknowledge that SHE and her minions like Peck and Company are the ones who brought corruption and meanness to a new level (or new low) to Portsmouth!
In effect, her appearance on the Six O'Clock News last night was a challenge to the people of Portsmouth: "Who do you believe -- me or your lying eyes and ears?"
"Queen of Denial" indeed!
Jane Murray-Vimont was married to a much older and richer Lexington law keep. (2nd marriage)
ReplyDeleteIn order to keep her "busy," he farmed out menial work favors for her to dabble in from his friends such as committees, in name only jobs, museums and such. By the right of passage (and marriage) she got to hobnob with some of Lexington's elite and began thinking it was on her own merits. How many times has this sad scenerio played out over the years. This poor little wannabe from a small Kentucky town plotted to embellished her way into the Portsmouth mayors office on a dillusional dream that she actually was qualified.... and earned it.
I dare anyone to pick up the phone and call any of the Lexington movers and shakers and simply ask about Jane Murray. I gurantee they have never heard of her.
The real problem that exists is....we have!
The truth will set you free.
Another brilliant post. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I think she can't top herself, she does. I will try not to give her so much credit in the future.
ReplyDeleteWow! It's bad enough that Portsmouth has a poor image in the state, but now the mayor is saying these things?! I would have thought the number one priority of a mayor would be to put their city in the best light possible -- even when things aren't going particularly well. Mayor Murray seems to want to make people think she is the victim. It would be her tactic to hope to beat the recall.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying there isn't need for change in Portsmouth - we know there is. But for a mayor, no matter what the situation, to run their own town into the ground publicly, there is no excuse for that!
I'm not a doctor but I play one on TV
ReplyDeleteWhat are the symptoms of histrionic personality disorder?
In many cases, people with histrionic personality disorder have good social skills; however, they tend to use these skills to manipulate others so that they can be the center of attention.
A person with this disorder might also:
• Be uncomfortable unless he or she is the center of attention
• Shift emotions rapidly
• Act very dramatically as though performing before an audience with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity
• Be overly concerned with physical appearance
• Be gullible and easily influenced by others
• Be excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval
• Have a low tolerance for frustration and be easily bored by routine, often beginning projects without finishing them or skipping from one event to another
• Not think before acting
• Make rash decisions
• Be self-centered and rarely show concern for others
• Have difficulty maintaining relationships, often seeming fake or shallow in their dealings with others
Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) is generally the treatment of choice for histrionic personality disorder. The goal of treatment is to help the individual uncover the motivations and fears associated with his or her thoughts and behavior, and to help the person learn to relate to others in a more positive way.
"This is probably the most corrupt city I have ever witnessed..."
ReplyDeleteI can see it now...all 20,000 people of Portsmouth lining up at the same time to sue Murray for libel, slander and defamation !!!
Her quote will also look good in the next Chamber of Commerce brochure !!!