Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Mayor Calls City 'Corrupt' (PDT, 8/19/10)
From today's Portsmouth Daily Times:
In her interview in the Portsmouth Daily Times today, Jane Murray tells us what she really thinks of herself.
"It's why I was elected. A lot of people said it. Finally after 30 years someone is willing to stand up to the good old boys network that controlled this city and ran it into the ground."
Jane Murray believes she is the savior. The chosen one.
Portsmouth's messiah.
She is the One the CAVE People have been looking for.
This Messiah complex, in her own mind and in the minds of her followers, will soon be her downfall. She had the political skill to gain victory in the primary and general elections, despite her arrogant personality. She had unsavory personal connections (with the CAVE People, Roy Payton, etc.) but these would not have necessarily have brought her down. Despite her years in government, Murray has very little knowledge of how to run a municipality, and seems to stumble from one disaster to another. But this lack of knowledge would not have crippled her, if she only had the ability to work with knowledgeable and experienced city officials and admit that there are things she does not know. (As a Portsmouth Times editorial, from Jan. 12 pleaded: "Off and running-We urge new mayor to slow down.")
Her real downfall is the fact that she believes she is better than everyone else. Her followers, the CAVE People, after so many years of scheming and conniving to "take power" in Portsmouth, also believe she is superior and they feed into her irrational, impetuous style of "governing by divine right." Her sense of entitlement, her insistence that "I stand by every decision I've made" despite the fiascoes she has created, and her arrogance all point a real personality disorder.
Everyone else is corrupt. She's the martyr. She knows what is best. She only listens to her worshippers. She's the Messiah.
Even now her followers are pecking away on topix.com and other cesspools of the internet telling her to "Go Jane Go" and fight "the good old buoys." These true believers will never quit until Jane Murray is dragged kicking and screaming from 720 Second Street in November 2010. River Vices, the gay atheist CAVE-propaganda website, is even comparing the recall of Murray to burning her at the stake like a 'witch.' (For the record, we have never called the Mayor a witch or anything that rhymes with witch.)
In honor of Jane Murray's messiah-complex, we present the prayer that all the CAVE people (maybe even the gay atheist) are praying lately:
Everyone else is corrupt. She's the martyr. She knows what is best. She only listens to her worshippers. She's the Messiah.
Even now her followers are pecking away on topix.com and other cesspools of the internet telling her to "Go Jane Go" and fight "the good old buoys." These true believers will never quit until Jane Murray is dragged kicking and screaming from 720 Second Street in November 2010. River Vices, the gay atheist CAVE-propaganda website, is even comparing the recall of Murray to burning her at the stake like a 'witch.' (For the record, we have never called the Mayor a witch or anything that rhymes with witch.)
In honor of Jane Murray's messiah-complex, we present the prayer that all the CAVE people (maybe even the gay atheist) are praying lately:
Our Mayor, who art on Dorman,Madam, be thy name;
Thy queendom come; thy will be done,
no matter what the Charter says.
Give us this day our daily meds.
And bless all of our recalls,
but don't forgive those who recall against us.
Lead us not to P-Town Underground;
but deliver us from the SOGP.
For thine is the queendom,
and the power to be mayor for ever.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jane Murray to be on Channel 3 at 6:00 ? (Wednesday Update)
We have been informed that the following quote by a certain civic leader of Portsmouth will be featured on tonight's news broadcast at 6:00PM on WSAZ-TV, Channel 3.
"Portsmouth Ohio is the meanest and most corrupt city anywhere and how dare they vilify me with a recall. I will not resign!"
But, no, she said it herself: She wouldn't change a thing.
What really strikes us is her statement that she is "not used" to the level of "meanness" she has been subjected to in Portsmouth! Really, Jane? Meanness?
* How mean was it to fire five people on January 4, your first day in office, people with bills to pay and families to provide for, without any notice or hearing? (Did you know she didn't even meet with the employees she fired? She sent her two "hit men" to do the dirty work?)
* How mean was it to go on WSAZ-TV and accuse Water Works Director Sam Sutherland, a man of excellent reputation and standing in his profession and his community, of criminal acts with no justification? "Murray says (Sutherland) may be the subject of a reopened investigation into water department mismanagement. 'The statute of limitation has not expired,' she said. (Murray) also said she's consulting on union contracts with former city employee Roy "Bubb" Payton who was convicted last year on felony charges involving city property. Murray said her probe shows Payton was the victim (of wrongful termination by Sutherland)." WSAZ-TV, 1/4/10.
* Finally, if the Mayor thinks it is MEAN for citizens of Portsmouth to exercize their constitutional right to recall a public official who they are not satisfied with, then what does that make Jane Murray? As we said in April of this year, Jane Murray got her political start in Portsmouth by starting a recall campaign against then- President of Council Howard Baughman. (Click here for story.)

In case you didn't see it yesterday, Madame Mayor Jane Murray put on quite a show on WSAZ. She proved once again that she truly is the "Queen of Denial."
Here is the report from the WSAZ website:
In case you didn't see it yesterday, Madame Mayor Jane Murray put on quite a show on WSAZ. She proved once again that she truly is the "Queen of Denial."
Here is the report from the WSAZ website:
PORTSMOUTH, Ohio (WSAZ) -- "They’ve been gunning for me from the start."There is just so much we could say about Murray's ridiculous and arrogant comments. If "she wouldn't change a thing she's done," does that mean she would still vote "NO" on the A-Plant Expansion project? Would she still hire an un-qualified, un-licensed, so-called engineer with no engineering degree, and offer him a salary not authorized by City Council? Would she still fire Sam Sutherland and Rick Duncan, only to offer both of them their jobs back two weeks later? Would she still demand that the police chief, police officers, and the Third Ward Councilman refer to her as "Madam Mayor" instead of Maam? Would she still re-install the traffic lights and then leave them covered with garbage bags for eight months, despite the ODOT study that said they were not needed?
That’s what defiant Portsmouth Mayor Jane Murray says about the recall effort underway to possibly remove her from office. Murray has refused any comment on the recall -- until now. The mayor says she was elected last November to make changes in the troubled river city. She says she wouldn't change a thing she's done, except may slow it down some.
She blames the anti-Jane Murray sentiment on misinformation, city corruption and just plain meanness. But it looks like Portsmouth voters will decide on the mayor's future in office this November.
We asked Murray about the challenges she's faced since taking office. She said the citizens of Portsmouth don't know the truth, saying they've been fed politically slanted misinformation from the underground Internet -- even the mainstream media.
And she proudly stands 100 percent behind her tumultuous tenure as mayor. Murray says she stands by everything she’s done. She added that she's never seen more corruption and meanness in any place she’s been and she says she’s not used to that.
If and when the recall petitions are certified (possibly as early as Wednesday), Murray will have five days to resign. The mayor says she's not a quitter and will not resign.
But, no, she said it herself: She wouldn't change a thing.
What really strikes us is her statement that she is "not used" to the level of "meanness" she has been subjected to in Portsmouth! Really, Jane? Meanness?
* How mean was it to fire five people on January 4, your first day in office, people with bills to pay and families to provide for, without any notice or hearing? (Did you know she didn't even meet with the employees she fired? She sent her two "hit men" to do the dirty work?)
* How mean was it to go on WSAZ-TV and accuse Water Works Director Sam Sutherland, a man of excellent reputation and standing in his profession and his community, of criminal acts with no justification? "Murray says (Sutherland) may be the subject of a reopened investigation into water department mismanagement. 'The statute of limitation has not expired,' she said. (Murray) also said she's consulting on union contracts with former city employee Roy "Bubb" Payton who was convicted last year on felony charges involving city property. Murray said her probe shows Payton was the victim (of wrongful termination by Sutherland)." WSAZ-TV, 1/4/10.
* Finally, if the Mayor thinks it is MEAN for citizens of Portsmouth to exercize their constitutional right to recall a public official who they are not satisfied with, then what does that make Jane Murray? As we said in April of this year, Jane Murray got her political start in Portsmouth by starting a recall campaign against then- President of Council Howard Baughman. (Click here for story.)

Jane Murray: Queen of Denial, Queen of Mean.
The Prayer of the CAVE People
With the news of the apparent success of the recall petition drive, the CAVE People are beginning to worry that their savior, Jane ("Don't call me ma'am") Murray, may actually be recalled! In recent weeks, this prayer has been heard among them.
Our Mayor, who art on Dorman,
Madam, be thy name;
Thy queendom come; thy will be done,
no matter what the Charter says.
Give us this day our daily meds.
And bless all of our recalls,
but don't forgive those who recall against us.
Lead us not to P-Town Underground;
but deliver us from the SOGP.
For thine is the queendom,
and the power to be mayor for ever.
![]() |
Madam, be thy name;
Thy queendom come; thy will be done,
no matter what the Charter says.
Give us this day our daily meds.
And bless all of our recalls,
but don't forgive those who recall against us.
Lead us not to P-Town Underground;
but deliver us from the SOGP.
For thine is the queendom,
and the power to be mayor for ever.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Recall Effort Against JANE MURRAY Goes Forward!
(Finally. A recall that the CAVE People do not like!)
Over 1400 petitions were filed this morning to have the "recall of Mayor Jane Murray" placed on the ballot, at least 250 more than the required number. The recall committee, headed by former Police Chief Tom Bihl, which was formed just over three weeks ago, needed to at least 1148 valid signatures of registered voters for the recall to go forward.
Tom Bihl and his committee should be commended for this outstanding effort. Following the recall of former-mayor, Greg Bauer, and several city council members over the years, the citizens of Portsmouth changed the City Charter to make it more difficult to get a recall issue on the ballot. In the past it was only necessary to obtain a number of signatures equal to 10% of the number of voters in the previous general election.
Some felt that this threshold was too low, and the citizens voted to change the charter to require 25% instead of 10%. Of course, this is a much higher standard to meet, but it ensures that a city official be an obvious screw-up in order to get recalled. In Jane Murray's case, her crazy, arrogant, and destructive behavior made it relatively easy for the committee to get the increased number of needed signatures--in just three weeks!
Bihl submitted the signatures to the City Clerk, who is required by the City Charter to check each name on the petitions to make sure that they are registered voters and that the signature matches the signatures on file at the County Board of Elections. Invalid signatures are not counted. If the number of valid signature exceeds 1148, the City Clerk will notify City Council which is required to pass an ordinance to request the Board of Elections put the recall of Mayor Jane Murray on the ballot. The timing of Council's request will determine if the issue is on the November ballot or if a special election will have to be held, probably after the first of the year.
If the City Clerk determines that number of valid signatures is insufficient (less than 1148), which seems unlikely at this point, the committee is allowed additional time (up to ten days) to get additional signatures.
If the signatures can be verified fairly soon, if there is a sufficient number, AND if council acts in a timely manner, the citizens of Portsmouth will be able to vote to end the reign of Queen Jane and return are City to normalcy and, hopefully, to progress.
(Finally. A recall that the CAVE People do not like!)
Over 1400 petitions were filed this morning to have the "recall of Mayor Jane Murray" placed on the ballot, at least 250 more than the required number. The recall committee, headed by former Police Chief Tom Bihl, which was formed just over three weeks ago, needed to at least 1148 valid signatures of registered voters for the recall to go forward.
Tom Bihl and his committee should be commended for this outstanding effort. Following the recall of former-mayor, Greg Bauer, and several city council members over the years, the citizens of Portsmouth changed the City Charter to make it more difficult to get a recall issue on the ballot. In the past it was only necessary to obtain a number of signatures equal to 10% of the number of voters in the previous general election.
Some felt that this threshold was too low, and the citizens voted to change the charter to require 25% instead of 10%. Of course, this is a much higher standard to meet, but it ensures that a city official be an obvious screw-up in order to get recalled. In Jane Murray's case, her crazy, arrogant, and destructive behavior made it relatively easy for the committee to get the increased number of needed signatures--in just three weeks!
Bihl submitted the signatures to the City Clerk, who is required by the City Charter to check each name on the petitions to make sure that they are registered voters and that the signature matches the signatures on file at the County Board of Elections. Invalid signatures are not counted. If the number of valid signature exceeds 1148, the City Clerk will notify City Council which is required to pass an ordinance to request the Board of Elections put the recall of Mayor Jane Murray on the ballot. The timing of Council's request will determine if the issue is on the November ballot or if a special election will have to be held, probably after the first of the year.
If the City Clerk determines that number of valid signatures is insufficient (less than 1148), which seems unlikely at this point, the committee is allowed additional time (up to ten days) to get additional signatures.
If the signatures can be verified fairly soon, if there is a sufficient number, AND if council acts in a timely manner, the citizens of Portsmouth will be able to vote to end the reign of Queen Jane and return are City to normalcy and, hopefully, to progress.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
"Traffic Calming" on Dorman Drive (Updated 8/13/10)
Jane Murray has long been obsessed with controlling traffic going by her house. Her anger about last Saturday's Motorcycle "Ride for Hospice" is just a recent example.
In the past she has:
complained about gas company, electric company and city trucks driving in the unpaved alley behind her house to repair utility lines.One of the first things she did when she got into office was to have "do not enter" signs installed in her alley.
tried to get the Kalb administration to install speed bumps, "no truck" signs, and other signs in front of her house. (She said that City drivers needed to be "retrained" not to drive on Dorman.)
tried to the get the Planning Commission to deny Dr. Driedger's office expansion.
In a recent Portsmouth Daily Times story, she claimed that she actually directs traffic on Dorman at times:
“I have seen tractor-trailers starting to turn up Dorman (Drive) and then they look, and I wave them down Shawnee (Road), and they throw their hand up,” Murray said. “I’ve gone out and talked to some of them, and they said, ‘I don’t believe I got on this route. That’s where they told us to go to get to so and so, and they are going from Columbus to Ashland (Kentucky) or Huntington (West Virginia).”Murray says she is working on a "Traffic Calming Plan" for Dorman Drive, including a three-way stop at Grandview and Dorman and "other possible measures." Murray's Service Director has met with Vern Riffe School officials and he suggested that their school buses should no longer use that street. The Mayor is planning to send emails to Portsmouth City Schools when the "traffic calming plan" is finalized. Apparently the traffic calming measures are to include increased signage and speed bumps. Furthermore, we have heard that she has informed City Department Heads that she will no longer be referring traffic issues to the Traffic Committee. Instead she will make all traffic decisions herself.
The Crazy Train just keeps rolling. Hopefully it will stop in November.
UPDATE: Portsmouth DailyTimes
Today's Portsmouth Times report confirms "Traffic Calming" Story.
A statement by the City Service Director gives us an idea of what Mayor Jane's idea of a "traffic calming" really is:
Beaumont said if the city does put up a three-way stop intersection in [at Dorman and Grandview], it would eliminate a lot of bottleneck and slow up traffic. [How do you slow up traffic AND eliminate a lot of bottleneck?] "A school bus wouldn't necessarily want to be in that bog," Beaumont said.It's clear that, as we said, Murray remains obsessed with traffic coming by her house. As Beaumont said:
"...if you are coming down Coles Boulevard and you want to get over to Grandview, that you go down to the four-way at 27th Street and hang a left on 27th, then hang a right on Grandview."So now G.I. Jane is telling us how to drive in our own town with out consulting the traffic committee (in violation of the City Charter) or City Council. Did we elect a moyor or a dictator? No wonder the CAVE People love her.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Water Works Director, Sam Sutherland, a well-respected Class IV Licensed Water Treatment Operator, gave the City of Portsmouth his two-week's notice at last night's City Council meeting. He has accepted employment at another Ohio city which is in need of a Class IV operator.
It would be hard to over-state the negative effect the loss of Mr. Sutherland will have on the safe operation of the Portsmouth Water Works. Mr. Sutherland has worked for the City for over 20 years and holds many qualifications including certification and extenisve experience in the laboratory, which is crucial to keeping the City's water supply safe and in compliance with EPA standards. Mr. Sutherland is highly regarded by the Ohio EPA, and because of his knowledge and experience, and EPA regularly uses him to train water operators at state conferences and other events.
Mr Sutherland has improved the water system in the City and Scioto County by building new water lines and tanks and replacing old ones. He made many improvements to the aging filtration plant including an high technology filter that reduces contaminants that were recently regulated by the EPA. This "ion exchange filter" is one of first in the US and few people have Mr. Sutherland's knowledge of the new technology.
When Mr. Sutherland leaves, his Class IV license will go with him. So the most immediate effect that the City will experience is that once again we will be out of compliance with EPA operator certification requirements.
When Mr. Sutherland leaves his current position in two weeks to go to a job in another Ohio City, we believe he will get a substantial pay increase, and probably have a much easier job. But rest assured that is not the reason that he is leaving.
As he told City Council last night, he loved his job and had hoped to complete his career in Portsmouth. He thanked all of the city council people and department heads and PREVIOUS mayors he has worked with and for. He thanked City Solicitor Mike Jones for his help in getting his job back after he was fired by Mayor Murray in January. He said the stress of working under the current administration has affected his health and his ability to do his job and he felt he had no choice but to accept the offer he received from elsewhere in Ohio, another city that also requires a Class IV license.
On January 4, 2010, Mayor Murray fired Mr. Sutherland, despite his experience and qualifications, and publicly accused him of "gross negligence and mismanagement" and threatened to have him investigated for "water department mismanagement" and for wrongfully terminating Roy Payton, Jr., a former water plant employee found guilty of theft of city property. Murray said "her probe shows that Payton was the victim."
(Click here for link to WSAZ story.)
Of course, Sutherland had done nothing wrong. Murray's accusations against him were all based on the word of a convicted criminal, Payton, who maintained an unsavory relationship with the Mayor. Payton promised and got her a tainted union endorsement from a small group of AFSCME members who did not represent the local AFSCME members, even though she falsely and knowingly claimed it did. In return she agreed to "consult" with Payton on "union contracts" and, so we believe, eventually re-hire him. (Click here for Payton's story.)
No evidence ever existed against Sutherland (except for Payton's lies) and no action was ever taken against him. She only agreed to re-hire him in response to tremendous pressure from the enforcement division of the Ohio EPA to have a properly licensed individual in the position. But no apology ever came from Mayor Murray for her outrageous lies and accusations.
Sutherland beleived his job remained in jeopardy. Murray was looking for anything she could possibly use against him to justify her actions. Sutherland wisely decided take the other position and of course take his Class IV license with him.
So thanks to Insane Jane and her continuing reign of error, our City will soon be out of compliance with Ohio EPA regulations. Again.
We wish Mr. Sutherland the best of luck at his new position, and we regret that he will no longer be an needed asset to Portsmouth. Or as it has become under Calamity Jane...CRAZY-TOWN, USA.
It would be hard to over-state the negative effect the loss of Mr. Sutherland will have on the safe operation of the Portsmouth Water Works. Mr. Sutherland has worked for the City for over 20 years and holds many qualifications including certification and extenisve experience in the laboratory, which is crucial to keeping the City's water supply safe and in compliance with EPA standards. Mr. Sutherland is highly regarded by the Ohio EPA, and because of his knowledge and experience, and EPA regularly uses him to train water operators at state conferences and other events.
Mr Sutherland has improved the water system in the City and Scioto County by building new water lines and tanks and replacing old ones. He made many improvements to the aging filtration plant including an high technology filter that reduces contaminants that were recently regulated by the EPA. This "ion exchange filter" is one of first in the US and few people have Mr. Sutherland's knowledge of the new technology.
When Mr. Sutherland leaves, his Class IV license will go with him. So the most immediate effect that the City will experience is that once again we will be out of compliance with EPA operator certification requirements.
When Mr. Sutherland leaves his current position in two weeks to go to a job in another Ohio City, we believe he will get a substantial pay increase, and probably have a much easier job. But rest assured that is not the reason that he is leaving.
As he told City Council last night, he loved his job and had hoped to complete his career in Portsmouth. He thanked all of the city council people and department heads and PREVIOUS mayors he has worked with and for. He thanked City Solicitor Mike Jones for his help in getting his job back after he was fired by Mayor Murray in January. He said the stress of working under the current administration has affected his health and his ability to do his job and he felt he had no choice but to accept the offer he received from elsewhere in Ohio, another city that also requires a Class IV license.
On January 4, 2010, Mayor Murray fired Mr. Sutherland, despite his experience and qualifications, and publicly accused him of "gross negligence and mismanagement" and threatened to have him investigated for "water department mismanagement" and for wrongfully terminating Roy Payton, Jr., a former water plant employee found guilty of theft of city property. Murray said "her probe shows that Payton was the victim."
(Click here for link to WSAZ story.)
Of course, Sutherland had done nothing wrong. Murray's accusations against him were all based on the word of a convicted criminal, Payton, who maintained an unsavory relationship with the Mayor. Payton promised and got her a tainted union endorsement from a small group of AFSCME members who did not represent the local AFSCME members, even though she falsely and knowingly claimed it did. In return she agreed to "consult" with Payton on "union contracts" and, so we believe, eventually re-hire him. (Click here for Payton's story.)
No evidence ever existed against Sutherland (except for Payton's lies) and no action was ever taken against him. She only agreed to re-hire him in response to tremendous pressure from the enforcement division of the Ohio EPA to have a properly licensed individual in the position. But no apology ever came from Mayor Murray for her outrageous lies and accusations.
Sutherland beleived his job remained in jeopardy. Murray was looking for anything she could possibly use against him to justify her actions. Sutherland wisely decided take the other position and of course take his Class IV license with him.
So thanks to Insane Jane and her continuing reign of error, our City will soon be out of compliance with Ohio EPA regulations. Again.
We wish Mr. Sutherland the best of luck at his new position, and we regret that he will no longer be an needed asset to Portsmouth. Or as it has become under Calamity Jane...CRAZY-TOWN, USA.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
News from CrAzY-t0wN City Hall
Jane Murray has met with a recalled former councilman and a recently defeated councilman and their wives.
Bob Mollette, former Third Ward Councilman, was defeated in handily in November by Nick Basham. Shortly afterwards the Mollettes moved to Wheeleersburg, while still owning a home in Portsmouth. Apparently Teresa Mollette has learned that Wheelersburg residents don't give a rat's rear about what she thinks either, so now she is trying to weasel her way back into Portsmouth politics, by supporting the Mayor.
For this to happen two things would need to occur. Since the Mollette's voted in the May primary in Porter Township, they are no longer registered as Portsmouth voters, so the city charter would have to be changed to require a shorter residency for candidates. (Interestingly, First Ward Councilman, and Jane Murray supporter, Kevin Johnson is pushing to reduce it from 5 years to 1 year.)
From yesterday's Portsmouth Daily Times:
Those who believed that Jane Murray would bring an increased level of professionalism and sophistication to the Mayor's Office may be surprised to see the Mayor's dog, Annie, in her office every day. Annie even has her own doggie bed in the office. The mayor is often seen walking Annie around the building, so she can do her business in the grass outside City Hall.
All of us at P-Town Underground are dog lovers, but Murray's decision to keep a dog in her office brings up a lot of questions.
City Police are investigating a supposed "threatening" phone call made to a local newspaper, late last week. The caller, who is said to be one of the more active CAVE People, is supposed to have made death threats against a local reporter.
There is a long history of CAVE people going off the deep end when they immerse themselves in the internet propaganda and crazy conspiracy theories of this incestuous little group. Some past victims who have self-destructed due to CAVE Person craziness have been Shawnee State professors, a minister, a native american activist, and others. If the latest information is true, there is a new victim of CAVE propaganda.
We are "Geraldo Rivera" kinds of guys. We like to dig up secret information and share it with our loyal readers. Our secret cameras are everywhere including MADAM MAYOR'S OFFICE and the SECRET HEADQUARTERS OF THE CAVE PEOPLE. If you would like to view secret videos of the Mayor meeting with some of her closest advisors, click on the link below:
(Actually we wish we could claim them, but we had nothing to do with these very clever videos. Thanks to whoever is really behind them. This city needs a laugh. If we hear of anymore we will let you know.)
Almost 500 motorcycles took part in last Saturday's annual SOMC Ride for Hospice. According to SOMC's website:
The ride [sent] participants on a 90-mile police-escorted drive through Southern Ohio and Adams County with all proceeds benefiting patients of SOMC Hospice Services.
“Last year was the first time we had held this particular event, which was created in memory of motorcycling enthusiast Ricky Bryan,” Sheila Riggs, claims coordinator of Hospice Services, said. “Bryan began planning the ride before his death because he wanted to give back to our program...our contributions touched him so much.” Riggs said that the center decided to carry-on the tradition this year not only in memory of Bryan, but for all other bike riders and patients of SOMC Hospice Services.
“Our last bike ride was truly a success, but we’re hoping that through better weather, and an even better turn out, we can exceed the funds raised last year and continue to provide much needed support for our patients and their families.”Apparently this year's ride was successful in every aspect except for one...JANE MURRAY DIDN'T LIKE IT. The route of the bikers took went past the Mayor's house on Dorman Drive, and the noise from 500 bikers was just too much for her. It doesn't matter that the event only happens once a year, or that it's for charity, or that it supports hospice. Murray was so upset that she informed the Police Chief that she wants to have final approval on the routes followed by all parades and events, such as motorcycle rides. According to today's Portsmouth Times, Murray "saw several dangers involved in the route taken" by the bikers, so now she will personally have to approve all future applications:
"They still apply in the Police Department. It's just that they are going to let me approve or deny just like the Police Department approves or denies. We just want to make sure that everybody is aware of it."We should all feel safer now that the Our Glorious Madam Mayor has taken it upon Herself to oversee parade routes, because as Her Highness keeps telling us, those inept fools in the police department obviously don't know anything traffic safety.
Jane Murray has met with a recalled former councilman and a recently defeated councilman and their wives.
Bob Mollette, former Third Ward Councilman, was defeated in handily in November by Nick Basham. Shortly afterwards the Mollettes moved to Wheeleersburg, while still owning a home in Portsmouth. Apparently Teresa Mollette has learned that Wheelersburg residents don't give a rat's rear about what she thinks either, so now she is trying to weasel her way back into Portsmouth politics, by supporting the Mayor.
For this to happen two things would need to occur. Since the Mollette's voted in the May primary in Porter Township, they are no longer registered as Portsmouth voters, so the city charter would have to be changed to require a shorter residency for candidates. (Interestingly, First Ward Councilman, and Jane Murray supporter, Kevin Johnson is pushing to reduce it from 5 years to 1 year.)
Also, Nick Basham's impressive popularity in the Third Ward would have to be undermined. That's where the Daubs, who are supporting the recall attempt against Basham, come into the plan.
From yesterday's Portsmouth Daily Times:
Murray said she recently was behind a car on Richie Street in which someone threw a fast-food cup and a straw out onto the street..."It just made me furious. I just stopped, picked it up, and put it in my car to dispose of, and I pointed at them like--what a bad person!"
Those who believed that Jane Murray would bring an increased level of professionalism and sophistication to the Mayor's Office may be surprised to see the Mayor's dog, Annie, in her office every day. Annie even has her own doggie bed in the office. The mayor is often seen walking Annie around the building, so she can do her business in the grass outside City Hall.
![]() |
Meet Annie |
* Is it fair to expose an innocent creature to the mold and other contaminants that are known to be in our dilapidated City Building?
* Are other employees permitted to bring their pets to work also or is only the Mayor entitled to that privilege?* Annie is known to growl at visitors to the Mayor's office from time to time. If Annie's bites someone, who will be liable: Jane Murray, the private citizen, or the citizens of Portsmouth?
* Does the Mayor carry a baggie with her or is she in violation of the City's "pooper scooper law" (City Ord. 505.20)?
Somehow we doubt the Mayor will answer these questions.
Keith Nyland, the president of AFSCME, said the union is considering rescinding its decision to give up a 3% pay increase to help the City balance its budget. Union workers say that the Mayor ignores the union contract with respect to job bidding, seniority, and grievances. The union says they have learned that they can't trust the mayor to honor the Union contract. The mayor has multiple grievances that she refuses to process. (We can't help but wonder if there is a grievance from the janitor who has to clean up after the dog.) (SOURCE: Ports. Daily Times, 8/3/2010, "Local Union Considers Rescinding MOU Agreement.")
City Police are investigating a supposed "threatening" phone call made to a local newspaper, late last week. The caller, who is said to be one of the more active CAVE People, is supposed to have made death threats against a local reporter.
There is a long history of CAVE people going off the deep end when they immerse themselves in the internet propaganda and crazy conspiracy theories of this incestuous little group. Some past victims who have self-destructed due to CAVE Person craziness have been Shawnee State professors, a minister, a native american activist, and others. If the latest information is true, there is a new victim of CAVE propaganda.
We are "Geraldo Rivera" kinds of guys. We like to dig up secret information and share it with our loyal readers. Our secret cameras are everywhere including MADAM MAYOR'S OFFICE and the SECRET HEADQUARTERS OF THE CAVE PEOPLE. If you would like to view secret videos of the Mayor meeting with some of her closest advisors, click on the link below:
(Actually we wish we could claim them, but we had nothing to do with these very clever videos. Thanks to whoever is really behind them. This city needs a laugh. If we hear of anymore we will let you know.)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
NEW: Another Chance to Sign Petition
PLACE: Tracy Park (Across from Kroger Parking Lot)
DATE: Thursday, August 5, 2010
TIME: 5:00 to 7:00 PM.
The recall committee will be at Tracy Park again tomorrow. The petition drive is going well, but they still need all of the signatures they can get. Please plan to attend and bring a friend who is a registered voter in Portsmouth. The committee is hoping to get sufficient signatures before August 16 in order to avoid the possibility of having to go to a special election.
The recall committee currently has about 500 signatures toward the minimum number needed (1148). Since some of the signatures received on any petition may be invalid (not being a registered voter, etc.), the committee has a goal of 1300 just to make sure they have enough valid names.
In previous recalls, the City Charter only required that 10% of the voters in the previous elections needed to sign recall petitions. However, shortly after Mayor Greg Bauer's recall, the charter was changed to require the signatures of 25% of the voters. Under the rule, the committee would now have sufficient signatures but the new rule makes it harder to recall someone, so much more work is needed.
If you are concerned about the City and would like to circulate a petition, please contact Tom Bihl or email us P-Town Underground at ptownu@yahoo.com and we will pass along the contact information.
DATE: Thursday, August 5, 2010
TIME: 5:00 to 7:00 PM.
The recall committee will be at Tracy Park again tomorrow. The petition drive is going well, but they still need all of the signatures they can get. Please plan to attend and bring a friend who is a registered voter in Portsmouth. The committee is hoping to get sufficient signatures before August 16 in order to avoid the possibility of having to go to a special election.
The recall committee currently has about 500 signatures toward the minimum number needed (1148). Since some of the signatures received on any petition may be invalid (not being a registered voter, etc.), the committee has a goal of 1300 just to make sure they have enough valid names.
In previous recalls, the City Charter only required that 10% of the voters in the previous elections needed to sign recall petitions. However, shortly after Mayor Greg Bauer's recall, the charter was changed to require the signatures of 25% of the voters. Under the rule, the committee would now have sufficient signatures but the new rule makes it harder to recall someone, so much more work is needed.
If you are concerned about the City and would like to circulate a petition, please contact Tom Bihl or email us P-Town Underground at ptownu@yahoo.com and we will pass along the contact information.
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