One of her first actions as Mayor was to raise water and sewer rates for large customers, specifically targeted at customers the size of SOMC, doubling their water and sewer fees (as many other local businesses, such as OSCO, Pepsi, KSA) without advanced notice.
Her latest effort began last month, shortly after the drawn-out exit of Crazy-Town's fake Civil Engineer, Jeff Peck, who Murray claimed had found evidence of the hospital illegally dumping waste in City sewers. (Are we sure Peck is really gone? The City's website still lists Peck as Director of Engineering and Public Services. Click here or here. We're just sayin'.)
SOMC met with the Mayor on Tuesday, July 13. (PDT, July 17, 2010) How did the meeting go?
"Not well," Murray said. "I'm very disappointed in the meeting that we had. I specifically requested that SOMC come with a plan to get the materials out of the system, It's unlawful for any of these wastes to enter our sewer system. Instead of coming with a system, they caid they were there to listen to our concerns."Have you noticed a pattern with our mayor? It seems like no meeting with the mayor ever goes well...with councilmen, with City labor unions, with A-plant officials, with EPA officials, with New Boston officials, with OVRDC...the list goes on and on. No wonder the CAVE people love her.
The meeting truly was a travesty. This was not in the newspaper, but Murray actually pounded on Mr. Arnett's desk (reminiscent of her past meetings with the Police Union, when she demanded to be called Madame Mayor, and her meeting with Councilman Basham) and threatened to shut the hospital down. Murray told them if Arnett didn't do what she wanted, she would call the EPA on them. Arnett responded that they would work with the city but he believed the hospital was in compliance. He merely wanted evidence that the alleged materials going into the sewers were actually from SOMC rather than a non-SOMC doctor's office, Hillview Retirement Center, or another source.
Hurrican Jane was true to her threat to call EPA. ("Mayor Seeks Help From Ohio EPA," PDT, July 15).
Portsmouth Mayor Jane Murray has thrown down the gauntlet in her dispute with Southern Ohio Medical Center over reports that debris from the hospital has been ending up in the city’s sewer system and in homes on Shawnee Road.Murray requested that personnel from at least THREE (!) different Divisions of the Ohio EPA (Surface Water Hazardous Wastem, and Infectious Wastes) instpect SOMC "as soon as possible." Murray has had City Sewer personnel working overtime seven days per week random inspecting city sewers to try to catch the SOMC in the act, and has even order hazardous materials suits from sewer personnel. (This vendetta of hers is getting a bit expensive.)
Well the EPA inspection took place on Tuesday. What was the result? ("EPA says SOMC In Compliance," PDT, July 23).
Erin Strouse of the Ohio EPA said the Ohio EPA staff met Tuesday with Murray and city wastewater system officials before conducting an inspection at SOMC. Strouse said the Division of Solid and Infectious Waste Management staff from Ohio EPA conducted an infectious waste inspection at the facility during the site visit and found SOMC in compliance with all applicable rules.So once again Murray has made an ass out of herself (and the City of Portsmouth.)
According to Randy Arnett, president and CEO at SOMC, on June 20, three inspectors from the EPA conducted an assessment of SOMC’s disposal practices and storm water drainage.
“Portsmouth Mayor Jane Murray has alleged that SOMC is improperly disposing of waste, causing flooding to occur on Shawnee Road,” Arnett said. “We were appreciative of the visit by the inspectors. They were very complimentary of our practices and our staff.”
Arnett said two of the three inspectors were infectious and hazardous waste specialists. One specialized in surface water drainage. “They spoke with several of our staff members in various departments and were impressed by the knowledge and methods used consistently throughout the organization,” Arnett said. “They even said they would like to use SOMC as an example for other organizations.”
Is this REALLY what we want from the leadser of our City? Is this REALLY what we voted for?
Do we really want her attacking the City's largest employer with 2200 paid workers? Maybe, since she thinks all things from Kentucky are better than Ohio, she would like to see SOMC's Kentucky competitor take over. Perhaps, just like her C.A.V.E. People followers who constantly criticize SOMC and call for boycotts, she would love to see the hospital close its doors for good.
Even if SOMC is ultimately found to be relasing unauthorized debris (after all, they have 2200 paid staff and 800 volunteer workers...it's not possible to monitor every janitor and every nurses every minute of the day), is this really how we want the Mayor to handle this situation?
Is this really how we attract new business to our area? But calling the EPA on our largest employer?
ReplyDeleteWhere are the petitions?????
I will work with anyone that has a petition needing signatures!!!!!!
This woman is the worse case scenario for this city.... EVER!!!!
Who hasn't she threatened???
She can't be satisfied, nothing ever goes "her way"... wonder why???.... and no one is able to tolerate something as simple as being her assistant because of the degrading, deplorable way she treats the people she depends on.
A total em-bare-ass-ment to our city.
Doesn't she still have that $2,000,000 suit against "her city”?????
Threatening to shut down SOMC.... great way to handle the situation...... just great.... real class....
Honk if you want her to hear your opinion.
Ambulance drivers, make sure the sirens blast as you go past!!!!!!!!!!!!
My understanding is that she has a grudge against SOMC because she applied there for a job and was turned down. I bet they are jumping for joy at having made the right decision.
ReplyDeleteTo dogface and others,
ReplyDeleteThe recall has begun.
Check out the Portsmouth Times tomorrow.
Then get busy.
The cowardly C.A.V.E. Trolls and the Criminal Element of the City are already banding together, mobilizing their forces and spewing their lies and messages of hate on the internet with the goal of keeping their champion Murray in office. How sickening.
ReplyDeleteNow that we have a Recall Effort in action, The Decent Element in the City now has to band together under the Recall Banner to send them and her a message that her Reign of Error must end.
Way to show some guts and Leadership, Tom! God Bless Good Luck!
I look forward to signing the petition! Maybe the end of this fiasco is in sight.
ReplyDeleteThe CAVE people have zero credibility. Look at recent history. They propose and get a bonding limit passed that has tied the city's hands on trying to do infrastructure improvements. They got Jane elected and what has she done? Fired a bunch of good employees, hired/fired a joker from Lexington, single-handedly made the City a defendant in several new lawsuits, attacked the Piketon facility, attacked the doctors who wanted to build a new building, spewed her venom towards SOMC. Her actions are what CAVE people are supporting?
ReplyDeleteIf you think a recall will shut them up, you don't know the type. Their biggest fear is that someone else will do better, get ahead or improve things and they won't get whatever it is they think they are entitled to. The other half of CAVE loves to create controversy because it makes them feel important.
Problem is, most people in this town don't think that way and really don't understand why CAVE would lie, cheat or steal to halt everything that could possibly be interpreted as progressive. I believe that Jane's escapades have finally caused the average citizen to take notice and realize CAVE is what it is, a small group of Citizens Against Virtually Everything. "Virtually", however, is being kind.
I agree -- "Virtually" IS being kind. And so is referring to these toads as "people.'
ReplyDeleteI think "Trolls" is right on the money. Send them and her packing -- back to under the wet rocks from whence they came.