Don't you just hate it when you're walking along, minding your own business, not bothering anybody, and the mayor of a small to medium sized municipality accuses you of money laundering through your rental properties and being a member of the Mafia? Don't you just hate it when that happens?
"The suit also alleges that because DeSimone is an Italian American, Murray also published that he was in the Mafia."
The Mafia, Jane? Really? The freaking "Mafia"? La Cosa Nostra? Are you really going to climb that high up in the crazy tree?
We guess it was inevitable. First, Portsmouth is invaded by the Mexican Toro Loco Cartel. Then we get the Kentucky Mafia (aka, the Murray administration). Then the Irish Mob starts taking over. (Hey. What happened to you guys anyway?) Now, we have to worry about the REAL Mafia?
Jane, you can't even find out who took the picture of your bathroom, and now you're taking on the Mafia? (Does Crazy-Town's Sheriff, Mr. Peck, know about this? We can hear him now: "Hold on, Miss Jane, I didn't sign on with you to take on no Mafia." "Shut up, Peck, and do what I tell you." "Yes, Madam Mayor.")
In case you lost count, here is a list of the City's current legal liabilities:
Dan Saez, former Community Development Director: defamation, slander and libel
Jane Murray, et al: Basement flooding
Ohio EPA: Non-compliance with regulations regarding operator certification.
Did we mention Jane Murray's lawsuit against the City she is mayor of?
Rick Duncan, fired Wastewater Director: defamation, slander and libel.
Then there's Jane Murray's pending lawsuit. (By the way, at a council meeting on January 11, 2010, she said she had asked the Ohio Ethics Commission to determine if her lawsuit was a "conflict of interest" and promised to release it as soon as it was available. The commission must be busy, we guess.)
Shane DeSimone, Italian American Mobster: defamation, slander, libel.
Oh, and lest we forget. Jane Murray is also suing the City of Portsmouth.
You would think that even the stupidest Jane Murray supporter would get it by now. Jane Murray is incredibly incompetent. She takes her advice from felons, convicts, and CAVE people. She repeats rumors and gossip as if they were fact, if she imagines the information might somehow be used to her advantage. She believes when you're stuck in a hole, just keep on digging until you see daylight.
Do you think?
Due to the multiple lawsuits against the mayor and the city, potential conflicts of interest, and the fact that the City's liability insurance doesn't believe they have to pay out to defend the City against every damn idiotic accusation that comes out of the mouth of the Mayor of Crazy-Town, the City Solicitor thinks he may need the assistance of "separate attorneys." Actually, we don't even think Clarence Darrow, F. Lee Bailey, Perry Mason, L.A. Law, and Judd for the Defense could help you against these charges, but good luck with that.
We believe we have found the perfect solution to the City's dilemma: the classic defense of last resort. In November, when Jane Murray is recalled from office by the citizens (if she lasts that long), just go to the judge and plead "temporary insanity" on behalf of the City of Portsmouth. If he asks for proof that a whole town could be temporarily insane just refer him to Exhibit A: the archives of http://www.p-townundergound.com/ Open and shut case.

The tombstone of the original CALAMITY JANE. Martha Jane Burke

Portsmouth's own CALAMITY JANE. Martha Jane Murray
There's got to be a connection.
Let us not forget the litigation to set aside the special election on the bond/borrow issue filed by interested citizens against Larry Essman and the city (where has Mr. Essman been hiding lately).
ReplyDeleteAlso, Madam Mayor requested litigation be initiated to move $1.2 million from Capital Improvements to the General Fund.
Now she is requesting the City Solicitor file another lawsuit to determine the meaning of the special election issue she supported limiting the City's ability to bond/borrow more than $100,000.
Hasn't that Nigerian money come through yet?
ReplyDeleteScioto Water is going to file suit as well based on the Mayor's raising of water rates in violation of the contract.
ReplyDeleteBet the Citizens who helped put that bonding issue on the ballot are kicking themselves now for inadvertantly tying the new mayor's hands. This new mayor reminds me of the mayor of a small town called Portumna. That mayor and her grand poohba chief engineer are running Portuma into the ground. Then there is the problem with those poor nuns in wheelchairs and the basketball games. So, be glad we don't have THAT city's problems.
ReplyDeleteBoy that mayor of Portuna didn't like you messin' with her God-Given right to rule the city. Sounds familiar.