Monday, January 25, 2010

City Council Meeting

Tonight's Portsmouth City Council Meeting is likely to be standing-room only, just like it was at Mayor Murray's first Council Meeting. Get there early if you want to get a seat. If you missed the last meeting you can watch on-line at: Click on the link above and scroll down to "11 January 2010." It was a very long meeting (almost 4 hours), so we've written a down a few of the high (and low) points of the meeting. After the video of the meeting has down-loaded to your computer, you can use your mouse to move the slider at the bottom of the picture to select any time you want. (All times are approximate.) 9:20 Councilman John Haas requests an executive session to discuss personnel and litigation issues. Murray objects. No executive session takes place. 11:20 Mayor Murray threatens to file misdemeanor charges against Council members. 16:20 Murray states that she has asked of a ruling by the Ohio Ethics Commission regarding her lawsuit against the City. [Remarks by citizens-I] 32:50 Former Mayor Kalb speaks. 36:00 Harold Daub idiotically claims that the multi-million medical center planned for the McKinley school site will just be a pain clinic or "pill mill." 42:00 Chris Neff speaks. 48:00 Jerry OBannion 50:00 Excellent description of the proposed medical center by Maggie Miller. [End remarks by citizens] 61:07 Lengthy discussion about mayor's office improvements. Mayor is told at least three times, not to spend further funds on office without council approval. (117:00, 118:50, and 129:00) 120:00 Mayor invites "everyone to see progress in mayor's office." 131:55 Discussion of Salary Ordinance. Three new positions with higher pay than previous positions. 134:00 Murray claims her re-structuring will save the City $325-350,000 per year. 139:00 Murray claims EPA has full knowledge of City plans and she has "covered all requirements of the EPA." 141:00 When specifically asked if EPA has approved City's plan Murray says the City is "Totally in compliance." "There is no problem." [This was a lie. On Jan. 13 and 14, the Portsmouth Times reported on a letter from EPA telling the city it was in violation, and telling City Council that the Mayor was being uncooperative. Murray had already received that letter.] 148:00 Murray threatens City Council with legal action, if they have "communication" with EPA. (Now we know why.) 150:00 Council explains to Mayor that hiring a Commissioner at a higher salary without Council approval is getting "the cart before the horse." 167:00 Murray promises to have job descriptions for all new positions to council by end of the week. 170:00 Auditor suggests Murray pay newly hired personnel according to existing salary ordinance. 174:00 President of Council suggests that Mr. Peck be paid no more than the Mayor's approved salary, $59,000. 176:00 Peck shakes head, "no." 179:00 Mayor claims she has a mandate. Blames her problems on "disgruntled former employees." 180:00 Murray says that this is the first time in years that the City "has people qualified for the jobs" they do. [Statements by citizens-II] 187:00 Statement by former Wastewater Director Rick Duncan. (Mayor leaves Council chambers as Duncan is speaking and does not return until after he is done.) 198:00 Former Councilman Maty Mohr speaks. 200:00 Chris Neff speaks again. 203:00 Former County Commissioner Dee Penix speaks. 207:00 Harold Daub makes an ass of himself as usual. [Meeting adjourns.]

1 comment:

  1. After attending the meeting tonight I am more convinced that the mayor if full of it. She doesn't know what she is talking about but she speaks with authority and people seem to believe her. How long will she last? Can we stand another nine or ten months of her?
