Thursday, January 28, 2010
Attention: P-Town Fans Invited!! (UPDATED 2/2/10)
State of the City of Portsmouth Website
* You may also be interested to know that Richard Duncan is still the Director of Wastewater. * Chris Murphy is still the Service Director and Sheri Fischer is still his assistant. * And Jane's pet Mingus, who left town weeks ago to get out of the Murray asylum, is still her Chief of Staff. * Despite Murray's hiring of two so-called engineers, apparently no one is in charge of the Engineering Department. * At least, the Water Department is still right, because it lists Sam Sutherland as Director. Oops, that should be "Assistant Director." * Apparently, the only thing Murray has bothered to update since her election is her own page-to list herself and and her former pet, Mingus. * Finally, did you know that Mayor Murray is a "him"???

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Murray Continues to Give EPA the Finger
Monday, January 25, 2010
City Council Meeting
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Eleventh Day of Grinchmas
Mayor: City Meets EPA Guidelines Contingency Plan Implemented to Comply

Friday, January 22, 2010
Memo to Mr. Peck
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
University Chronicle (SSU) Gets It (Updated 1/22/10)

Saturday, January 16, 2010
On the Tenth Day of Grinchmas
We would like to congratulate all of the winners in yesterday's election. All of them, especially Ms. Murray, had impressive victories, and we sincerely wish them all the success in the world. The Mayor-elect and the new City Councilmen certainly have their work cut out for them. We wish them nothing but success.
After that time, we did not criticize Murray. Instead, we focused on informing our readers about the CAVE People of Portsmouth and their hateful and damaging influence on City government, hoping against hope, that Murray had somehow learned from her past legacy of failure and that she would be an effective mayor.
So now the biggest question around the City of Portsmouth is
Recall is the most obvious answer. Unfortunately, according to the City Charter, the recall process will take many months.
Jan . 4: Murray took office. The charter states that recalls of elected officials must be initiated by petitions passed and signed by registered voters of Portsmouth. The recall petitions must be gotten from the City Clerk. The Clerk is not authorized to release until the elected official has been in office for six months.
July 6: Six months from Murray's first day in office would be July 4, Independence Day. But the Fourth is a Sunday. The City Building will be closed on Monday to celebrate the holiday. So recall petitions will available on Tuesday, July 6.
July-August: Petitions must be passed, signed, and returned to the City Clerk. After her review and verification of signatures, the signed petitions will be sent to the Scioto Board of Elections for certification.
September-October: Depending on the speed with which the petitions are circulated and the number of signatures to verify, a special election could be scheduled in October, or even September. However, due to the extra cost of a special election, it is likely that the actual recall vote would take place in the Fall General Election.
November 2: The first Tuesday in November. The likely decision point for the voters of Portsmouth to recall Jane Murray. If the election were held today, we believe she would be recalled. After all she only got 46% of the vote in a three-way election, so she started out with the majority of the voters voting against her. We will be surprised if she can un-do the damage she has done among the citizenry in time to save her job, especially if she does not learn from her early mistakes,
Mid-November: The Board of Elections certify the election results. If the recall is successful, Murray's term would end immediately upon the certification of results. The president of Council, currently David Malone (former candidate for mayor, himself) would immediately become mayor, or another person on City Council, if Malone declines.
After ten months and a few days, Murray's disastrous tenure, would be over and her reign of error over our town would end.
What a fitting end to Murray's treacherous political career, which began with Murray organizing a recall effort against former Council President, Howard Baughman.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Reign of Terror: Comedy of Error
8:00 am. Mayor Jane Murray sent two axe men to terminate 5 City employees. Murray's two Chiefs of Staff, Pete Mingus and Alan Barlow left the municipal building armed with 5 sealed letters of termination signed by the new mayor.

It must have been difficult for Mingus, the paid Chief of Staff, and Barlow, the "volunteer" Chief of Staff, who are both military men, to terminate the employment of Mr. Murphy who also served in the military. But they were just following orders.
9:00 am. Mingus and Barlow, the men in black, leave the Service Department with their mission accomplished. Two heads have rolled. Three to go.
9:30 am. Chiefs of Staff, Mingus and Barlow, arrive at the Water Filtration Plant, with two of the remaining three letters of termination. They hunt down and isolate Sam Sutherland and Crystal Weghorst to begin the termination sequence.
First they give Mr. Sutherland his letter of dismissal. The stunned Water Works Director, with nearly one quarter of a century of faithful service to the City attempts to explain that his removal will leave the City without adequate supervision and subject the City to fines by Ohio EPA. The Chiefs of Staff confidently explain that Mayor Murray is quite familiar with the EPA's trivial concerns, and has a plan to cover the City's requirements. They tell him to never mind, and to pack his personal effects without delay. Her Highness will hear no appeals.
The next victim is Crystal Weghorst, Mayor Kalb's former assistant. Weghorst had been temporarily assigned to the Water Works by Mayor Kalb. Previously, she had been personally promised by Mayor Murray and by Mr. Mingus himself, the paid Chief of Staff, that she would be kept on with the City for two months to help with transition issues, such as budgeting, insurance, payroll, new hire procedures, council agendas, and other crucially important issues. Mr. Mingus could only lamely explain that the Queen had changed her mind and that promises made to Mrs. Weghorst were not going to be kept. [In other words, Murray forced Mingus to break his word on his first day on the job. As a military man, this act of dishonor must have been difficult.]
[Ms. Murray's reign, since day one, has been a series of administrative SNAFUs (to use a military term that the Chiefs should be familiar with) and Murray may now regret her termination of Mrs. Weghorst, who would have been a wealth of information after 5 years of running Mayor Kalb's office. On the other hand, firing Weghorst eliminated any knowledgeable individual for objecting to the Mayor's crooked financial dealings, such as the unilateral termination of insurance contracts, which were switched to a son-in-law of one of her cronies, without City Council approval or review by the City Solicitor.]
10:15 am. The Chiefs leave the Filtration Plant. They do not deliver the fifth letter of dismissal because they need to return to the Mayor's office for her noon press conference.
10:30 am. The duo arrive at the Mayor's office and begin to prepare for Murray's press conference, where Mr. Mingus would be introduced to the Portsmouth Times and WSAZ, as Mayor Murray's official Chief of Staff. In the meantime, Alan Barlow, Murray's original Chief of Staff, the unpaid volunteer, who was previously promised a job in the Murray administration, was left to shuffle around in the lobby of the City Building until his boss completed her press conference.
[Apparently, the "girl" was Mingus's.]
[Barlow, who had worked tirelessly for Murray throughout the campaign, was consistently introduced by Ms. Murray as the man who would be "Chief of Staff" in her administration. Barlow kept that title until a new Chief of Staff named Peter Mingus appeared after the November election. At Murray's swearing-in ceremony at the County Court House in December, the new mayor introduced Barlow, without a title, as just another unpaid member of her "volunteer cabinet." (Barlow was also the only minority member of her volunteer cabinet.) Newcomer Mingus was introduced as her actual Chief of Staff and her only paid administrative staff member, relegating Barlow to the back of the bus.] 12:00 noon. At the press conference, Murray introduced three new employees: 1. Jeff Peck, her "Commissioner of Engineering and Public Service" (a title which, like "Chief of Staff," does not exist in the city's payroll ordinance and was not been approved by City Council). Peck, an engineer who is licensed to work in the state of Kentucky, is from Lexington, a city where Murray once worked and left a long legacy of failure. (Click here, here and here for more information about Murray's Lexington failures.) Coincidence??? 2. William Beaumont, her "Assistant Commissioner of Engineering and Public Service" (yet another fictional, unauthorized position). Beaumont is a disgruntled former city employee who had been fired by Murray's predecessor. 3. Pete Mingus, her paid Chief of Staff, who Murray brought into town from Detroit.

3:00 pm. Chief of Staff Mingus arrived alone at the Wastewater Plant to complete the mission that he and Barlow had been assigned that morning. Mingus handed Duncan his letter of termination and instructed him to give his city vehicle and office keys to a Class 2 Plant Operator, who would be taking over Mr. Duncan's responsibilities.
3:10 pm. With his mission accomplished, Peter Mingus, the white, paid Chief of Staff returned to City Hall after an exciting and satisfying first day on the job!
Chief of Staff Pete Mingus in "Five Heads in a Duffel Bag"
Considering the treacherous duties that Mingus was required to perform on Day One of his job, the lies he has had to participate in, and Murray's displays of incredible ineptness it is no wonder that he left his new job after one week! The only questions is...if Mr. Barlow values his dignity and honor why is he still working for the Mayor.
During the election campaign, Barlow was consistently introduced as the Chief of Staff for her new administration. We believe he was told he would be employed by Murray as Chief of Staff in a paid position, if she won the election. But more likely, Barlow was useful to Murray in attracting black voters in Portsmouth.
Shortly before or after the election Murray decided to make Mr. Mingus her actual Chief of Staff. Barlow had delivered the black vote and was no longer needed.
Barlow was good enough to tag along with Murray throughout the drudgery of a long campaign, but not good enough to be paid? Now that the election is over, Barlow was left to play Mingus's sidekick. Now with resignation of Pete Mingus, Murray has announced that she will be advertising to hire a replacement for Mingus as Chief of Staff. This is yet another slap in the face of Alan Barlow, and we wonder why he agrees to remain associated with this administration.
In other words, Barlow was just a useful token who gave Murray the appearance of being a supporter of diversity and inclusion, and helped deliver black votes.
We wonder who will be smart enough to file their lawsuits first? The slandered ex-department heads or the shafted token Chief of Staff. (Or maybe "Commissioner" Peck who moved to Portsmouth based on a fraudulent promise of a $70,000-plus annual salary, who is likely to receive almost $20,000 less--only to become tangled up in an ongoing freak show of monumental proportions.)
We close with this picture of Mingus and Barlow in Jane Murray's basement.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
BREAKING NEWS: Peck staying at Ramada Inn

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
BREAKING NEWS: EPA to Mayor Murray-"You are BUSTED!"
Monday, January 11, 2010
Jane Murray has lost her pet
BREAKING NEWS: Mingus resigns

BREAKING NEWS: Tonight's City Council Meeting
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Roy Payton - Jane Murray's Middle Finger

Convicted felon, Roy Payton, Jr. Jane Murray's Middle Finger to Ohio EPA
On Murray's first day in office she abruptly terminated several department heads, accusing them of gross mismanagement. Two of these department heads were highly qualified experts in their fields who are very highly thought of at the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. This immediately raised the concern of officials in State offices at "very high levels."
Murray's termination of Sam Sutherland, a Class IV operator and her public comments that she was going to have him investigated, on charges the EPA believes are trumped up, are a serious problem. Her public comments that she was going to put Roy Payton, Jr., a Class I operator, who is also a disgruntled former employee and a convicted felon, assigned to the water plant as a volunteer overseer and have him re-hired. This is the biggest middle-finger F.U. to the Ohio EPA we can imagine.
Apparently, Ms. Murray is unaware of the threats Roy Payton made to several witnesses prior to his firing that he was going to make "Mike Layne look like a walk in the park," referring to former city employee and water works employee Mike Layne's deadly shooting spree a few years ago.
Ohio EPA is not unaware of Roy Payton's threats to get revenge against the City of Portsmouth and his role in the Jane Murray Adminstration.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Bubb Payton's Revenge (We Told You So)

So on Tuesday, November 3rd, we will all learn if Mr.Payton will indeed get his revenge.
(As Paul Harvey would say: "Now you know THE REST OF THE STORY.")
Saturday, January 2, 2010
On the Ninth Day of Grinchmas

"Save us from your followers true, But save us, above all, God, from you."
"The Municipal Building is no Taj Mahal, but it is architecturally important, reflecting the Art Nouveau style that had become popular earlier in the twentieth century."

"Nichols’ most serious offense, I believe, is not his procrastination in cleaning up his premises but rather his attending city council meetings and speaking up in those periods set aside for citizens to address the city council..."
Despite Forrey's attempt at minimizing Nichols' many personal, legal, and financial problems, Nichols already had a criminal record, was a neighborhood menace, and had had a home foreclosed on just a few years prior. (Since then Nichol's has been charged with additional crimes and is now facing serious time in prison.) So, no, "procrastination" was not your candidate's "most serious offense." But the CAVE People were more concerned about their petty agendas than Nichol's own safety and the well-being of his neighbors. On Nov. 4 of this year, Nichols' home finally burned to the ground, heavily damaging Star Dry Cleaners next door and seriously damaging another residence. Star Cleaners had pleaded with the Health and Police Departments for years for help in correcting the Nichols' numerous violations, including flammable debris piled by Nichols up against the Dry Cleaner's building. But thanks to Forrey and Nichol's other enablers, Nichols is homeless and Star Cleaners may never re-open.
But that's just fine with the CAVE People who really care nothing about the man, or the ruined dry cleaners. The burned out, smoked-damaged business stands as yet another monument to the hateful vision of the Forrey followers and their agenda of failure for the City of Portsmouth.
Yet another FAIL by Forrey and the CAVE People.
4. ID FAIL (11/4/2009)
Forrey and the CAVE people have been obsessed with our true identity since P-Town Underground first appear. Forrey provided one of their many lame speculations on his website:
"I have little doubt that one of those writing anonymously for the Underground blog is an alcoholic human virus who insinuates himself electronically into the Portsmouth body politic by parasitically taking on the appearance or coloration of his political enemies, of capitalizing on their greater name recognition. A political ally of the Kalb family, this creep started out some years ago by calling himself Look Deeper, mimicking "Doug Deepe," John Welton’s well-known pseudonym. More recently he has adopted the pseudonym River Lices, mimicking River Vices."
An "alcoholic human virus"? I think the professor is trying to hurt our feelings. We have no connection to the gentleman the demented professor is referring to, but if Forrey hates him so much, he must be a fine individual. Chalk up another fail. If you bother to read Forrey's blithering, you will notice that the only attack of P-Town Underground that he can come up with is name-calling. He says we are homophobes, meanies, liars, and any other insult he can find in his nasty little thesaurus. But he has yet to factually dispute anything we have reported. 5. CULTURE AND BIOLOGY FAIL (11/20/09) Forrey shows his lack of knowledge of American culture and biology with the following quote:
"One of the anonymous Portsmouth bloggers [referring to P-Town Underground]posted a photo of the actor Edward Woodward, who starred in The Equalizer, a 1980s TV show about a former secret service agent who uses his gun, “the equalizer,” as a goniff, or law-skirting, free-lance vigilante, the bastard offspring of the same-sex marriage of James Bond and Dirty Harry."a. The truth is Woodward hardly ever used a gun in his classic TV show. Firearms were always a last resort, but sometimes necessary when protecting his innocent clients against mobsters and murderers in the big city. Also, his gun was not the Equalizer, Woodward himself was. b. The Equalizer was NOT "the bastard offspring of the same-sex marriage of James Bond and Dirty Harry." Maybe no one has explained to the professor that two men cannot have children no matter how many times they try. It is a biological impossibility. Sorry, we know it seems unfair, but reproduction always requires a woman. (Lucky for him. We suspect Forrey would have been pregnant many times over by now.) (Forrey seems to have an obsession with snidely accusing heterosexual males of having homosexual relations, not just James Bond and Dirty Harry, but also city council members and citizens he disagrees with. Apparently it is an attempt at humor, but it is surprisingly common on his blogs. Must be a psychological hang-up.) 6. FINANCE FAIL (3/28/09) Forrey's concern for the fiances of our fine City Solicitor Mike Jones is truly touching as in a recent "expose" about Jones' investment in the Crispie Creme Donut Shop.
Rumors currently circulating about Jones being in dire financial difficulties are just that—rumors, but with the financial meltdown and business recession that have occurred since he acquired Crispie Creme in the summer of 2007, it would not be surprising if Jones was in a financial deep fry, and that he soon may be toast.Isn't it impressive that the professor can create a rumor, circulate the rumor, deny the rumor, and then repeat the rumor he just denied...ALL IN A SINGLE SENTENCE?! But rumor-mongering is par for the course among the CAVE People. Well, we take comfort in the fact that Jones is a respected attorney and local entrepreneur, with a nice family and a "house on the hill" (as Forrey puts it), while Forrey lives alone in an upstairs apartment on Fourth Street after a lackluster career as a teacher, which he retired from under questionable circumstances. We think we will get our financial advice elsewhere, Professor Fail! 7. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE FAIL (11/4/09) Some people prefer it when the truth is covered up and hidden for the people who have right to know it. Forrey likes it that way.
"The Underground also homophobically suggested that Mike Mearan’s opponent had AIDS, a dirty trick that was followed up by another supporter of Mearan who produced an incriminating dirty-tricks flyer that purported to be from Mearan’s gay-agenda opponent."
We didn't "suggest" that Kevin Johnson had AIDS. The San Francisco Chronicle stated it as a fact in a newspaper interview with Johnson himself. We even reproduced the article, in its entirety, our website. Before moving to here in 2002, Johnson lived in the San Francisco area (you know, where they separate the men from the boys with a crowbar). He was such a well-known gay activist that, when they learned he was moving away, the newspaper interviewed him to find out what his plans were, mentioning Portsmouth specifically. The Chronicle reported Johnson's HIV status, his gay relationship, his gay rights lawsuits, and his gay activism, including gay partner benefits legislation that he claimed credit for passing in California. We believe that voters of Portsmouth deserved the same information that the citizens of California had, and we did our best to share the information. That doesn't make us "homophobes." Just people who care about the truth. Unlike Forrey.
8. JOURNALISM FAIL (5/29/06) In the wacky professor's mind, THIS is what passes for a historic event in Portsmouth's history:
"That’s why the founding of the Shawnee Sentinel in 1995, at Shawnee State U., was an important event in Portsmouth’s history. The Sentinel is far from perfect, and may not always be diplomatic or grammatical, but it has relentlessly exposed our shadow government and their accomplices and stooges in the city government."
The plague on Portsmouth, known as the Shawnee Sentinel, has been a joke since day one. This so-called newspaper is where we first heard of Doug Deepe (as a pseudonym for a convicted embezzler named John Welton) who used the paper to covertly proclaim his innocence and attempt to subvert his criminal investigation. The line of Sentinistas who spread their lies through this rag is a long one, including Welton, Austin Leedom, Wally Leedom (his son), and Harold (Little Daub'll Do Ya) Daub. For your amusement, we present a scan of a notice from the October 2007 issue of the Shawnee Sentinel.
Yes, he is talking about that Harold Daub! The same Daub that the Leedom's, the Mollette's, Forrey, and all the other CAVE People, Sentinistas, and Grinches, put forth as an icon of their inbred little group, the victim of the evil powers-that-be, and an unsung hero of Portsmouth. The same Daub that Forrey praises over and over on his blog.
The Shawnee Sentinel, the newspaper of record for the CAVE Clan, which Forrey calls "historic" and says "it has relentlessly expose[s] our shadow government and their accomplices and stooges in the city government," officially reported that Harold Daub was a liar. Isn't this the funniest thing you've ever heard? The Shawnee Sentinel reports that for over a year Harold Daub used the pages of the Shawnee Sentinel to:
1. write "lies about people" 2. "hurt people and hurt their feelings" 3. "victimize" people, and 4. "damage [people] by these lies"
So Wally Leedom finally "barred [Daub] from writing for the Shawnee Sentinel." (Hoo, boy! We just can't stop laughing at these fools.) Excuse our language, but what we have in here is a classic, CAVE People, four-man ---------. Wally Leedom, son of Austin Leedom, accuses Harold Daub of lying in the pages of the Shawnee Sentinel under a false identity to conceal his activities from his employer and the Federal Government, in the very "newspaper" paper that debuted Doug Deepe, aka John Welton, who now claims to have rock-solid proof that Wally and Austin Leedom have intentionally evaded paying taxes on out-of-state disaster relief work---the work that Leedom is claiming in this very notice. Are you dizzy yet?
As we keep saying, they are an incestuous little group. Forrey must be concerned about the continued well-being of the Sentinistas. After all, when he leaves for Massachusetts, who will be left to sneak them in to the printing presses of Shawnee State University in the middle of the night so they can print their little yellow rag at the university's expence? Ah, your tax dollars at work! And last but not least.... 9. STATISTIC FAIL (5/9/07) Professor Forrey is a malicious person.
Prior to the 2007 City Council election, the dignified Professor Forrey used his blog to insult the incumbent Fourth Ward Councilman Jerrold Albrecht, calling him "rich white trash," an "old man," "a cat's paw for those who control the city," and a "cockroach." He went on to suggest that Albrecht's death or "incapacitation" would be a good thing for Portsmouth, except that "the powers-that-be will be quite ready with another candidate for the city council to appoint as his replacement." (This passes for compassion among the CAVE People.)
This leads us into the final foolish Forrey Fail from his blog. (At least, it's the last one we have time for today.) On 5/9/2007, he stated:
"Because Albrecht is of advanced age, his chances of finishing a four-year term on council are probably less than fifty-fifty, although health experts say taking naps during the day is a good way to achieve longevity, so maybe the odds of him finishing a term are better than fifty-fifty."
Forrey, Forrey, Forrey. You poor deranged, math-challenged fool. Your life spans predictions are just wishful thinking and as usual for you, just plain wrong. You claimed he had a life expectancy of just two years (50% of a "four-year term").
Life insurance companies and even the federal government produce handy little charts called "actuarial tables" where you can look up such things. Despite your hateful prediction, the honorable councilman (who is around 70 now) is getting along quite well, stays wide awake at all council meetings, and STILL has a life expectancy of at least 13 more years (and many more we hope, Mr. Albrecht). We hope he serves the City for years to come and continues to frustrate the evil schemes of the CAVE Clan.
A word of advice to Professor Fail. We think you should be more concerned about your own health than Mr. Albrecht's. Looking at the pictures below (Albrecht on left, Forrey on right), who do you think is more likely to drop over at any minute?
Good luck in Massachusetts, Professor.
Make it a Happy New Year!
Don't come back!