* We have revealed that in 1993 Jane Murray (Jane Vimont, at the time) formed a private corporation (Jane Vimont and Associates) of which she was the sole owner. She formed the company while still a key staff member for a US Congressman from Kentucky. She used secret insider information, gotten as result of meetings held in violation of Kentucky sunshine laws, to gain a lucrative contract for herself in 1995, worth several hundred thousand dollars. She left her client in shambles with a major museum project, her own brainchild, that went bankrupt a few years after the museum fired her for three years of poor performance. (http://p-townunderground.blogspot.com/search/label/ukbbmuseum)
* We revealed the credit card abuse scandal that tarnished her reputation and the career of her employer, Mayor Scotty Baesler of Lexington. In 1995, a major Kentucky newspaper exposed her extravagant use of the cards for travel and gifts and the state auditor's determination that she failed to provide receipts.
* She left behind broken promises and unfinished (or un-started) cultural projects all over the Lexington area when she left government. Late in her public career, as her development failures began to catch up with her, she cultivated self-beneficial relationships with consultants specializing in cultural centers and museum development, particularly Lord Cultural Resources of Toronto, Canada. The very services Portsmouth will "need" as Murray pursues the promises she has made to her supporters and the citizens of Portsmouth.
If elected do you promise that you will not financially benefit from your position as Mayor beyond the salary and benefits provided by the City?
If she is elected it will be up to City Council and the Citizens of Portsmouth to safeguard the city's financial interests from Ms. Murray.
City Council should not agree to and the Citizens of Portsmouth should not accept any settlement or court-ordered penalty that would benefit Ms. Murray beyond her documented damages. As mayor she should not materially benefit from her own lawsuit.
"I did want to speak to you about larger issues about this government. Since I moved back in 2002 and bought a home, I have tried to bring my expertise to the table over and over to assist the City. I suggested we build a children's museum. I suggested that we look at building a vision of the future of the City of Portsmouth and all the planning that would go into that."
Considering Murray's past dubious relationships with Lord Cultural Resources of Canada and other consultants and the fact that she has yet to be closely associated with any successful museum or cultural center, we suggest that City Council scrutinize any similar proposal by Murray with great care, if she is elected. The citizens should demand it.
And, definitely, do not give her a credit card!
Do the right thing- tell Murray to hit the road.
ReplyDeleteJust for fun, today, on the 'Home Stretch' could you post ALL the comments in one place today?
ReplyDeleteThat way it makes it easier to see ALL the comments at once, rather than risking missing the latest comment(s) to hit your WONDERFUL blog!
Thanks, and God Bless
I would like that too! Good idea.
ReplyDeleteSaw Jane today at the Election Day Luncheon. Not too many people talking to her. I think people now know what she is all about. I think your website has reached many people. When I went to vote the only people I saw hanging around were two men working for Jerry Skiver. They were passing out flyers at the parking lot entrance. I didn't think that was legal , but nobody said anything to them. Who knows Jerry may have wriggled in taking the easy route. I don't think he has what it takes for the job, but he would be better than Jane. If Murray wins we may as well all pack up and move out. She'll be the last nail in the coffin. The coffin that Daub brought to town almost 30 years ago. All we can do now is vote and pray for people to do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteI also saw Jane at the luncheon and noticed the same thing. Very few people talked to her. She had the typical "I just smelled something unpleasant" look on her face. In contrast, the Mayor was smiling and had many people speaking with him.