So on Tuesday, November 3rd, we will all learn if Mr.Payton will indeed get his revenge.
(As Paul Harvey would say: "Now you know THE REST OF THE STORY.")
(Thanks to "A City Worker.")
Untitled from Jane Murray on Vimeo.
We notice a few points from Ms. Murray's (very weak) press event:Jane Murray (then going by her married name, Jane Vimont) and her boss, Kentucky politician Scotty Baesler, were the subject of a series of high-profile, highly critical newspaper stories, many of which mentioned Murray-Vimont by name, in late 1995. By the end of that year, she had either resigned or been fired by Congressman Baesler, who was preparing to run for Governor at the time. She refuses to discuss this 14-year-old series of articles, saying that it is old news. We agree. But so is all of the substantive experience and expertise she lists in her statements of qualifications, which she presents as having been uniformly positive.
Many say the city should be run more like a business. We agree. If you were considering a potential employee for an important position in your company, wouldn't you want to know why the applicant was fired from a previous, similar job, even if it was 14 years ago--especially if she was "self-employed" ever since her firing? Would you accept the answer "I refuse to discuss it" from your perspective employee?
Ms. Murray's lame dismissal of the serious issues raised by the Lexington Herald-Leader is not convincing. According to paper and Lexington City auditors, she failed to present required receipts, she spent taxpayer funds on questionable items, and she went on a number of suspicious trips. (See our previous article http://p-townunderground.blogspot.com/2009/10/3-questions-jane-murray-must-answer_25.html.) But then again, her excuses at time were pretty lame, also. ("The city must have lost the receipts." "They were really NICE letter openers." Whatever, Jane.) Again, as a reminder, here is a brief quote from the Herald Leader's story:Many of the [credit card] charges made by Jane Vimont, the city's legislative liaison under Baesler, also did not include receipts. A $708 American Express bill for July 1991 for example, has no receipts attached and no detail for what the charges were for. A note on the payment voucher says only "cultural center travel." Vimont said she regularly provided receipts, and they must have been lost.
She constantly threatens to have the City of Portsmouth audited (even though the State of Ohio already does so every year), despite the fact that her career did not survive a State audit in Kentucky. 2) Murray promises to bring museums and cultural centers to Portsmouth. Yet, as we described yesterday ( http://p-townunderground.blogspot.com/2009/10/game-over-for-uk-basketball-museum-no.html) at least one of her major claims to success, the "UK Basketball Museum" is an embarassing financial flop that has tarnished the UK Basketball program and lost a large amount of money. Her fingerprints are all over its failure. Several of the series of critical articles by Lexington newspapers describe other shady dealings and failures related to the other accomplishments she lists on her website, identifying her by name. Her record in Lexington seems to be a series of flops and failures. When you read what we report on this site in the coming two days, you will agree with us when we say: no wonder she left Kentucky, and no wonder she changed her name. 3) Jane Murray still has not answered questions about her lawsuit against the City she intends to rule. * How much in money damages is claimed in her lawsuit? (Is it $2 million dollars, just like the Grandview lawsuit?) * Will she drop the lawsuit if elected? * How can she testify in court in support of the lawsuit and at the same time represent the City's interests? Of course, she has not addressed this question in particular. No one in the local press has asked and she is hoping that if she just stays quiet about it a few more days she will not have to. 4) Why is it that Ms. Murray is not able to present any evidence of support from her former employer (who she mentions frequently in her statement of qualifications) or any of the developers whose projects she claims credit for?
Since Murray won't answer these questions, we'll have to answer for her. If you follow football, you know what a 2-minute drill is. It refers to the time period at the end a game when the the outcome is often decided. It is the most exciting part of the game. Despite Murray's claim that the outcome is already decided, we say it ain't over 'til it's over.
Stay with us as we advance toward the end zone.
(P. S. We know that the City workers are trying to get out the true story of the AFSCME endorsement despite possible retribution. We intend to help you get that story out. Hang in there.)
News conference Wednesday, October 28, 11:00 a.m. Laborers' Local 83; 2032 8th Street.Apparently, it was quite a show. We don't have all of the details yet, but Randy Yohe from WSAZ News and reporters from the Portsmouth Times and Community Common were there. She apparently thinks she can control the local media, but it didn't go too well today by all accounts. Tonight's coverage of the event by WSAZ (at 5 pm(?), 6 pm and 11 pm) may be very interesting. Certain candidates for office were kicked out of ths public meeting, and others were allowed to remain. We hear that Jane Murray refused to answer certain questions that we have raised here at the Underground, and also that some City workers (AFSCME) were there to share the fact that, despite the headline in the Portsmouth Times on Saturday Oct. 24, 2009 the City employees of the AFSCME Local Union did NOT endorse Murray (or any candidate)! We find the endorsement story to be increasingly interesting. Suffice it to say (for now) that many city workers are irate about their union's improper conspiring with Jane Murray despite the Local Union's vote by the membership to remain neutral. As we learn more about this matter we will share it.
2) What is the status of your lawsuit against the City of Portsmouth?
According to Scioto County Common Pleas Court records, you are the lead plantiff in a lawsuit against the City of Portsmouth.
DOCKET SHEET for 08CIH00331 Scioto Court of Common Pleas JANE MURRAY, et al vs. CITY OF PORTSMOUTH ______________________________________ Date Filed: 08/11/08 Style: MURRAY ETAL/CITY OF PORTS Judge : 1 Action : OTHER CIVIL ______________________________________ Judge: William T. Marshall
What is the status of this suit?
How much are you and your co-plaintiffs suing the City for? (Please provide our answer to the nearest million.)
If you are elected Mayor, do you think it will be a conflict of interest for you to represent the City and also provide depositions against the City and testify against the City in court? (In other words will you want the City to win or lose this case?)
Do you plan to drop your lawsuit if you are elected Mayor?
"University of Kentucky Basketball Museum – director for feasibility study; organized and directed professional consulting team, all meetings, functions, reports. "From the website, www.ncaa.com:
So "director of feasibility study" and "organizer of professional consulting team" Jane Murray told the UK Athletic Director that they would have over four times the number of fans than they actually had. As a result they had to shut down and ended up $1.2 million in debt. Was Jane Murray unaware of the fate of the museum or did she just assume we were to gullible to look into it? (How did the Portsmouth Times "drop the ball" on this story?) Does this give you a clue as to how she will address the City's problems?That sort of makes her big plans for Portsmouth seem a little hollow, doesn't it? She certainly talks a lot about bringing museums and cultural centers to Portsmouth. We wonder if anyone will ask Murray about that at her press conference. Much more interesting information about Murray's misadventures in Lexington are forthcoming. (All we can say is...no wonder she changed her name.)Game over: struggling UK basketball museum closes
LEXINGTON, Ky.(AP) The University of Kentucky Basketball Museum has shut its doors due to falling attendance and financial problems.
The museum, located in the Lexington Center near the entrance to Rupp Arena, has struggled to find an audience since opening in 1999.
Kentucky deputy athletic director Rob Mullens said Wednesday that the museum, which was not affiliated with the university, was averaging less than 25,000 visitors a year. Consultants told museum officials before it opened that 110,000 fans a year could push through the turnstiles.
Mullens said the university has decided to reallocate its annual $100,000 donation to the museum to help offset $1.2 million in debt.
Link: http://www.ncaa.com/sports/m-baskbl/spec-rel/070208aar.html
UK Basketball Museum (now defunct)
(Jane Murray will probably sue us for using her logo.)
Doubtless, he won't stay quiet for long in Portsmouth, Ohio."I've already got a list of 700 names back there, people with political issues to call," he says, letting loose another raspy belly laugh. "Gawd, I love it!"The local media have not seen fit to tell us, but the people of Portsmouth have a right to know before November 3. We will surely know after! As far as Mr. Johnson medical condition, we certainly have not put out any confidential information. Mr. Johnson shared many details of his condition, including his T-cell count, treatment, and prognosis in the newspaper article. Again, the people of San Francisco know this, why don't our citizens have a right to know? 3) Some have asked what the fact that Mr. Johnson has AIDS has to do with him being a city councilman. The fact is that if he opts to take advantage of the City's health insurance coverage for City Council members (which he has the option to do at any time, if elected), the cost of his treatment will be borne by the citizens of Portsmouth, no matter what personal resources Mr. Johnson has to pay on his own. Should this be an issue? Of course it should. Other council people in the past have had ailments that have caused great expense to the City, and of course the critics of the City blasted them for taking advantage of the citizenry. Why are they quiet now about Mr. Johnson? Agree or disagree, we believe and hope the Citizens of Portsmouth will benefit from the information on our website. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.
Many of the [credit card] charges made by Jane Vimont, the city's legislative liaison under Baesler, also did not include receipts. A $708 American Express bill for July 1991 for example, has no receipts attached and no detail for what the charges were for. A note on the payment voucher says only "cultural center travel." Vimont said she regularly provided receipts, and they must have been lost.
People who know Jane Murrayand who supported her in the primary election, have now turned their support to one of the other candidates. The former Murray backers have seen what many of us have seen: Jane Murray thinks she is better than everyone else.
Does Jerry Skiver think he is better than the rest of us? I don't think so.
Is Jim Kalb better than everyone else in Portsmouth? No. Does he think he is better than the rest of us? God, no!! That's why, during his years as Mayor, he has continued to work part-time at Krogers. He has served the City as a City Councilman, as Mayor, and as grocery store employee for many years. Though his critics jeer and make fun of him for this, no one can deny that this has kept him in touch with the citizens of our town. We have not heard of him using his office to take trips to Japan or New Orleans or financially benefit himself in anyway, beyond his salary. (If you have heard of this, let us know.)
Has Jane Murray done anything to benefit our City? Nothing we can think of, even after checking her website. Oh wait. She has a lawsuit against the City. Maybe she thinks that is doing something for the community, but if so , it is not mentioned on her website.If Jane Murray is elected as Mayor, where will she spend our tax money? In Lexington? In New Orleans? In Japan? Or at the local Kroger's supermarket?
Murray says it's a done deal. She's already won. She IS going to be the next mayor. Well, that's really up to us to decide isn't it?
BE HERE in coming days for more un-asked/un-answered questions for Jane Murray.
But the threat of recall is the least of it. There is a circle of internet critics in this City who are so relentlessly negative and full of hate for anyone who disagrees with them, that they can't stand to see anything good happen in Portsmouth. When they are not recalling, their boycotting some business or other: the local newspaper, the hospital, the donut shop, even the waffle house! (more on this in future posts).
But they really heap their hatred on politicians who want the City to prosper. Here is a mild example, from just last year, of what the vicious attack dogs of the internet say about the Mayor:
"The Mayor, Jim Kalb, is known mostly around town as the Tool or the Fool for the unelected leaders of Portsmouth. He barely graduated from vocational school, went to work at Kroger’s, and could never progress past a stock boy due to his attitude and aptitude. It's been said he barely kept his job at Kroger’s and if it wasn't for the union he would have lost the job at Kroger's a long time ago. He also told me shortly after his placement as Mayor when Greg Bauer was recalled that he would never be able to get elected on his own as Mayor because of his lack of experience and aptitude. Chief Horner, Mayor Kalb's boss, is the Chief of Police who uses intimidation tactics to get his way, no matter how much it hurts the community. Chief Horner is too busy trying to lend a hand to council in bankrupting the community through intimidation tactics and working under the "color of Law" instead of doing his job arresting and convicting drug dealers, prostitutes, burglary crimes, wrong doing etc. It's also been said Chief Horner deliberately stays away from enforcing these types of crimes due to a close relationship of his. Seems the county wants to plan for the future. Maybe the city of Portsmouth should be join forces with the county and eliminate our incompetent elected officials who continue to be played for the Tools and the Fools."
Notice how the writer uses cheap-shots to smear a man whose only crime was to actually get elected by the Citizens of Portsmouth. "It's been said..."and "...mostly known around town as..." The writer uses this smug innuendo to make it look like a lot of people agree with her. Just who is this low-class self-styled internet journalista who takes it on herself to speak as the voice of Portsmouth? Why its none other than Teresa Mollette, wife of a city councilman, on her own website.
(Click below to read the whole story.)
Please note how ridiculous her comments from May 13, 2008 are in retrospect. She said the City was mismanaging funds and City officials were incompetent and inept, but Scioto County was planning for the future and its officials had backbone and vision. She said the "city of Portsmouth should join forces with the county and eliminate our incompetent elected officials..."
As we all now know Scioto County is in a fiscal emergency: the first Ohio county ever to be under the financial control of the state. This is a very serious situation that is a major embarassment to our community and black-eye for all of us. Yet if had listened to Mrs. Mollette and followed her "ingenius" advice, the City would now be in the same sinking financial boat. (Brilliant, Teresa!)
But instead the City seems to get by on a tight budget, even in these tough economic times, with nothing but constant criticism by Mrs. Mollette and her pack of strange friends. Here is another example of how she speaks of our cities leaders (other than her own husband of course.)
(Click below to read the whole story.)
Week after week, Ms. Mollette goes on her web forum to air every stitch of the City's dirty laundry that she can find. One of her biggest targets over the years has been Southern Ohio Medical Center, the local hospital. She "spreads the word" about how the hospital is run by a bunch of "crooks and liars" and how the administration and the doctors are all incomptent. Here is just one example from early last year.
(Click below to read the whole story.)
Recently, due to "financial hardship" SOMC has had to severely cut back its pediatric unit and may eventually close it altogether. Well who was crying about it on her website? After so many months of her and her circle of internet jerks relentlessly talking down our area's main health care provider, who just couldn't understand why the hospital would do such a thing? None other than Mollette herself, the eternal critic of Portsmouth. Did you ever think your chickens would come home to roost, Teresa?
The Mollettes claim to be positive and that they want to work with others for the Cities betterment. But we have searched in vane for one positive or encouraging word that she has ever printed about Mr. Kalb, the elected mayor of Portsmouth. We can not find one.
So why is James Kalb the mayor of Portsmouth? Well, mainly because most people who may be more qualified just don't want the job. Who wants to take on the idiots in this town. In a future posts we will mention just a few of the past decent City Council people who have been hounded out of office by these people.
But what about Jane Murray, you may ask? What about this candidate who si supported by the Mollettes? Isn't Murray qualified to be mayor? We'll take a look at Ms. Murray soon.