Saturday, October 31, 2009

MS. MURRAY: Where Are Your Endorsements?

Dear Ms. Murray, Your website and you yourself tell us about all of thewonderful accomplishments of your career. You speak of all of the powerful connections you have with important people. Didn't you ever have "photo-ops"? Pictures of you standing proudly in front of all the museums and cultural centers you built? Where are the photographs of your powerful friends? Did you lose them with your credit card receipts? If you have done all the wonderful things you claim, where are your endorsements from your high powered friends in Kentucky? Why have none of them shown up for your campaign events? What about former Mayor and former Congressman Scotty Baesler. A well-respected Kentucky politician? He's retired and Lexington's not that far away. You were his loyal legislative aide for almost ten years? His name is all over your website? Why haven't we heard from him? Don't we voters deserve to know his opinion of you and all the projects you worked on? Won't he return your calls? How about Pam Miller, former mayor of Lexington? You worked closely with her when she was Vice Mayor? She, like you, is a loyal democrat? Where are her best wishes? How about Jim Newberry, the current Mayor of Lexington? Also a democrat. You worked him on so many City projects. He knows your reputation as well as anyone in Lexington. Why hasn't he endorsed you? And how about the UK Basketball Museum, you take all the credit for in your resume? Why hasn't the great former UK basketball star and director of the museum endorsed you? Where's that phone number? Oh, wait. That museum is gone. It went broke, doomed by your inflated revenue projections and poor "master plan." And Jim Lemaster, former UK No. 12, is out of a job. What about the Director of the Lexington Cultural Center that you take credit for on your website? Give him a call. Surely he is grateful for all your fine work? What's that? There is no cultural center? The city of Lexington was forced to build a County Courthouse on the site of your Art & Culture District because it sat vacant for so many years? Hmm. Well then. What about the fully remodelled Lyric Theater that you promised the African-American community? The place where the Temptations, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Sarah Vaughn, Ella Fitzgerald, the Ink Spots, and Redd Foxx all performed. You, as the Mayor's Director of Special Projects, took that building over by eminent domain, didn't you? How about a picture standing in front of it as a true example of all the great things you are going to do in Portsmouth? What? You mean it's still sitting there vacant 20 years after you promised to restore it? Surely you have some endorsement. Surely you don't expect the Cityof Portsmouth to just take your word for everything you claim to have accomplished, do you? No. You don't think we're just a bunch of dumb poverty-stricken Appalachians, do you? Oh, wait. That's right. You do have two endorsements, don't you? This guy and his cousin.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Why Portsmouth City Council Deserves a Gold Medal

Which would you rather listen to?
Teresa Mollete Robert Forrey Wayne Nichols

A Crazy Dog

Tough choice, huh?! They all sound the same.

Big Jane Murray Story Coming Tomorrow (Sat.)

Our biggest expose of Jane Murray-Vimont's past will appear in tomorrow's P-Town Underground. We had intended to publish it earlier in the week, but the story keeps growing. (If you have ever had termite damage, you will understand what we mean. The more you dig into the rotten wood, the more you are led into even more bad areas.) With the information we received from various sources and actually going to Lexington for verification, it has been quite a busy couple of weeks. Other issues keep popping up, too, like the endorsement fiasco and Murray's sham press conference, which we felt obligated to address after receiving so many concerned emails from Union members. We know people are anxiously waiting for more info. Check back tomorrow. Will it make a difference? We do not know. So far, the UK Basketball Museum story that we revealed has been ignored, as far as we can tell. If that doesn't make people take a second look at Murray and her plans for "urban revitalization of Portsmouth," what will? Also, the questions around Murray's lawsuit against the city remain unadressed. She only addressed the credit card issue by saying she would not answer questions about it. It looks like only two groups of people people can get the truth out about Murray: us---and you. When our story comes out tomorrow, just remember these two key points: 1) Follow the money, and 2)

Note to all of you who comment

We really appreciate the encouraging words (and even sincere criticism) that we are receiving here at the Underground. However we are moderating all comments. If you really want your statement to appear, please do not make undocumented accusations or gratuitous attacks on individuals. We do our best to document everything we have to share here. We believe our statements about the candidates and their supporters are based in fact. We are are working hard to get out (and document) the information that voters need before they go to the polls, not after. But we are not going to pass along cheap shots or accusations we cannot verify. Thanks, The 3 P-Town guys.

Bubb Payton's Revenge

In March of 2008, Roy "Bubb" Payton, Jr., the long-time President of the AFSCME Local Union 1039 (the Union that represents the utilities, streets, sanitation and other workers of the City) was caught red handed-stealing city property, an electronic camera. He was recorded on the water plant video security system attempting to destroy evidence of his theft. This occurred at the City water plant where he worked at the time, after hours. Payton tried to burn the camera box (which had the serial number on it) and then stuff the box into a drain that led to the Ohio River. Then he threatened and tried, unsuccessfully, to coerce fellow employees (his fellow Union brothers) to cover for him,. The partially burned box was later retrieved by the police and used as evidence, along with plant security footage.
As part of their investigation, the police got a warrant to search Payton's house, where they found lawn mowers, power tools, weed eaters, and more, even a heavy-duty trailer for hauling heavy equipment and pipes--all equipment and supplies purchased by the City and taken by Payton over a period of years. (Payton was also being investigated by the police for drug charges as well.)
Mayor Kalb, after going through the proper procedures, fired Payton. The Union (particularly AFSCME Council 8 in Athens, Ohio, which is over Local 1039) tried every possible tactic and threat to pressure Kalb into letting Payton keep his job. They said Payton had just borrowed these dozens of pieces of equipment. They offered various compromises to the mayor, such as a suspension, a demotion, or a so-called "death letter" (which is basically meant to give an employee "one last chance" before termination.) They also threatened him. That suggested that the Union would endorse him for reelection if he was lenient, but they would make sure he was defeated if Payton was fired.
Despite the veiled threats, Kalb stuck to his guns. He felt that there would be no discipline in the City if Payton were allowed to get away with it. The Union made it difficult for the Mayor. Many current and past city employees are related to Payton (including Keith Nyland, the current Union President, who is Roy Payton's cousin.) Fortunately, the Mayor stood up to the threats and the termination stood.
The Local and Council 8 (Athens) filed grievances to try to get Payton's job back. They paid out thousands of dollars (and made the City pay thousands) to appeal the firing. They fought it every step they could, all the way to an outside arbitrator who, by the City's Contract with the Union, had the authority to force Mayor Kalb to re-hire Payton, based on some technicality or error by the City.
The last of the hearings were held several months ago, but the final binding decision by the arbitrator was only released last month.
The arbitrator ruled that the City had acted properly and the Union (AFSCME Local 1039 and Athens Council 8) had no case. The termination of Roy Payton for theft stood.
Payton was also charged criminally with theft of city property and other crimes, but ultimately pled guilty to 30 counts of tampering with evidence. He was sentenced by Judge Harcha to five years probation and is prohibited from drinking alcohol or taking non-prescribed drugs during that time. (PAYTON, ROY E., Case No. 08CR000870)
But don't feel too bad for Mr. Payton. The State of Ohio awarded him full disability due the debilitating stress of his job (or maybe the stress of being fired), so he has good income. Also, being on disability gives him a lot more free time to do side jobs as an electrician to supplement his disability pay and state employee retirement income.
Plus he has a lot of friends, especially at Council 8. And his cousin, Keith Nyland is his replacement, as president of the Local.
A few months ago, the Local AFSCME group took a vote. They asked the members who they would like to endorse in the upcoming mayor's race. The members decided that they should stay out of the race, despite the fact that some members (remaining relatives and cronies of Payton) pushed hard for them to endorse Murray. But the members felt that Kalb had treated the Union fairly. They were no layoffs. Health benefits had been maintained. They had gotten fair raises. But they did not want to make an enemy of Jane Murray either, in case she won. The decision by the Local stood: no endorsement.
However, an entirely different part of the AFSCME, the Area Political Committee (a political action committee or "PAC") does endorse candidates. It is made up of, not Portsmouth City employees, but other AFSCME members in Southern Ohio, such as health care workers, retirees, etc. No City workers are a part of this political arm of AFSCME. Except one. Of the seven voting members of the AFSCME PAC, one is the president of Local 1039. Keith Nyland. Cousin of Roy Payton. The fired and disgraced former Union president.
This 7-member group, which includes Nyland, is entirely political. They endorse whatever candidates that Council 8 in Athens tells them to. So Jane Murray got AFSCME's endorsement through this PAC, with Nyland as a voting member, despite the true wishes of the AFSCME employees of the City of Portsmouth. And Roy Payton got his revenge.
Or he will if Jane Murray is elected.
Payton still haunts the city. Lately, he has been sneaking onto City property, seeking out his old co-workers. He's been bragging about the Union's endorsement of Murray. He claims that Murray told him she would give him the Service Director's job when she wins. Of course, no one believes she would be stupid enough to bring Payton back (would she?), but no one doubts that department heads will be fired.
Many AFSCME members tell P-Town Underground that the majority of them support Kalb, and are hoping that Murray does not win. This is especially true following the candidates' debate at Shawnee State last week at which Murray said that she "would not have given AFSCME employees raises" and if she is elected she intends to take the AFSCME raises back from the employees.
Some describe confrontations they have had with her about working in the alley behind her home or complaints she has had about City workers and City vehicles driving past her house on Dorman Drive. Many feel betrayed by their union leadership.
A hint of the AFSCME members' frustration can be seen in the following video of Murray's press conference yesterday. Several City workers attended and sat together. At the 8-minute mark of video, after Murray had asked for questions, one of them, who claimed to be an AFSCME member, said the Local was never informed of the endorsement and that they had voted to remain neutral. Unfortunately, Murray rudely cut the gentleman off in mid-sentence and abruptly ended her brief press conference. Untitled from Jane Murray on Vimeo.
It should be noted that the other two unions of the City, the fire and police unions, actually allowed their members to hear the candidates in person. Following personal presentation by each of the candidates, they each held a vote of their full memberships. Each of these unions, in legitimate open forums, voted to endorse Mayor Kalb for re-election .

So on Tuesday, November 3rd, we will all learn if Mr.Payton will indeed get his revenge.

(As Paul Harvey would say: "Now you know THE REST OF THE STORY.")



(Thanks to "A City Worker.")

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Murray's Basketball Museum Fiasco (Part 2)

Earlier we reported on the tragic UK Basketball Museum debacle that Jane Murray was a central figure in during the mid-1990s (or what she likes to call "old news"), but which she still promotes on her website as one of the "jewels in her crown." (She did not address the issue at her press non-conference yesterday.)
The following story from reveals even more startling details. The University of Kentucky agreed to pay-off Murray's museum's "$1.2 million debt" by paying $100,000 per year until the loan is paid. (If your kid goes to UK, now you know what that latest tuition increase was for.)
Jane Murray had her hands on every aspect of this fiasco almost from its earliest days, when it was just an idea being promoted around Lexington.
We are still looking into the series of damning articles published by the Lexington Herald-Leader about Murray, and we will be presenting a complete timeline of her checkered career soon.
But one particular article from 1999 relates to Murray's claim to fame, the Basketball Museum. Due to her mistakes and mismanagement, the Museum appears to have been doomed from the start. As you read these and other articles from the 1990s, remember this:
Read the article here.Please note that all comments in [brackets] are ours all well as all underlining and bold text. The rest is verbatim from the article. Hoops Museum

Not Playing with a Full Deck

Are you sure you want to play cards with these people? They would be a bad hand for Portsmouth.

Murray Holds Press Conference: Refuses to Answer Questions

Untitled from Jane Murray on Vimeo.

We notice a few points from Ms. Murray's (very weak) press event:
  • She arrogantly repeats her presumptuous claim that she WILL BE elected on Tuesday.
  • She refuses to answer any questions at all from the press or public. (Notice how she rudely dismisses the City worker's question. A man who she intends to be the boss of. She even cuts off Mr. Yohe. Is this how she would run the City?)
She particularly avoids answering our legitimate questions: 1) Why did she leave Congressman Baesler's office in 1995? What is the real reason she returned to Portsmouth?

Jane Murray (then going by her married name, Jane Vimont) and her boss, Kentucky politician Scotty Baesler, were the subject of a series of high-profile, highly critical newspaper stories, many of which mentioned Murray-Vimont by name, in late 1995. By the end of that year, she had either resigned or been fired by Congressman Baesler, who was preparing to run for Governor at the time. She refuses to discuss this 14-year-old series of articles, saying that it is old news. We agree. But so is all of the substantive experience and expertise she lists in her statements of qualifications, which she presents as having been uniformly positive.

Many say the city should be run more like a business. We agree. If you were considering a potential employee for an important position in your company, wouldn't you want to know why the applicant was fired from a previous, similar job, even if it was 14 years ago--especially if she was "self-employed" ever since her firing? Would you accept the answer "I refuse to discuss it" from your perspective employee?

Ms. Murray's lame dismissal of the serious issues raised by the Lexington Herald-Leader is not convincing. According to paper and Lexington City auditors, she failed to present required receipts, she spent taxpayer funds on questionable items, and she went on a number of suspicious trips. (See our previous article But then again, her excuses at time were pretty lame, also. ("The city must have lost the receipts." "They were really NICE letter openers." Whatever, Jane.) Again, as a reminder, here is a brief quote from the Herald Leader's story:

Many of the [credit card] charges made by Jane Vimont, the city's legislative liaison under Baesler, also did not include receipts. A $708 American Express bill for July 1991 for example, has no receipts attached and no detail for what the charges were for. A note on the payment voucher says only "cultural center travel." Vimont said she regularly provided receipts, and they must have been lost.

She constantly threatens to have the City of Portsmouth audited (even though the State of Ohio already does so every year), despite the fact that her career did not survive a State audit in Kentucky. 2) Murray promises to bring museums and cultural centers to Portsmouth. Yet, as we described yesterday ( at least one of her major claims to success, the "UK Basketball Museum" is an embarassing financial flop that has tarnished the UK Basketball program and lost a large amount of money. Her fingerprints are all over its failure. Several of the series of critical articles by Lexington newspapers describe other shady dealings and failures related to the other accomplishments she lists on her website, identifying her by name. Her record in Lexington seems to be a series of flops and failures. When you read what we report on this site in the coming two days, you will agree with us when we say: no wonder she left Kentucky, and no wonder she changed her name. 3) Jane Murray still has not answered questions about her lawsuit against the City she intends to rule. * How much in money damages is claimed in her lawsuit? (Is it $2 million dollars, just like the Grandview lawsuit?) * Will she drop the lawsuit if elected? * How can she testify in court in support of the lawsuit and at the same time represent the City's interests? Of course, she has not addressed this question in particular. No one in the local press has asked and she is hoping that if she just stays quiet about it a few more days she will not have to. 4) Why is it that Ms. Murray is not able to present any evidence of support from her former employer (who she mentions frequently in her statement of qualifications) or any of the developers whose projects she claims credit for?

Since Murray won't answer these questions, we'll have to answer for her. If you follow football, you know what a 2-minute drill is. It refers to the time period at the end a game when the the outcome is often decided. It is the most exciting part of the game. Despite Murray's claim that the outcome is already decided, we say it ain't over 'til it's over.

Stay with us as we advance toward the end zone.

(P. S. We know that the City workers are trying to get out the true story of the AFSCME endorsement despite possible retribution. We intend to help you get that story out. Hang in there.)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

[BREAKING] Today's Press Event by Candidate Jane Murray

Jane Murray announced on her website that she was having a press conference today:
News conference Wednesday, October 28, 11:00 a.m. Laborers' Local 83; 2032 8th Street.
Apparently, it was quite a show. We don't have all of the details yet, but Randy Yohe from WSAZ News and reporters from the Portsmouth Times and Community Common were there. She apparently thinks she can control the local media, but it didn't go too well today by all accounts. Tonight's coverage of the event by WSAZ (at 5 pm(?), 6 pm and 11 pm) may be very interesting. Certain candidates for office were kicked out of ths public meeting, and others were allowed to remain. We hear that Jane Murray refused to answer certain questions that we have raised here at the Underground, and also that some City workers (AFSCME) were there to share the fact that, despite the headline in the Portsmouth Times on Saturday Oct. 24, 2009 the City employees of the AFSCME Local Union did NOT endorse Murray (or any candidate)! We find the endorsement story to be increasingly interesting. Suffice it to say (for now) that many city workers are irate about their union's improper conspiring with Jane Murray despite the Local Union's vote by the membership to remain neutral. As we learn more about this matter we will share it.

3 Questions Jane Murray MUST ANSWER (Part 2)

OUR SECOND QUESTION FOR JANE MURRAY (Jane Murray's website states that she will be holding a press conference today at 11:00 a.m. We hope the following will be among the questions asked of the candidate.)

2) What is the status of your lawsuit against the City of Portsmouth?

According to Scioto County Common Pleas Court records, you are the lead plantiff in a lawsuit against the City of Portsmouth.

DOCKET SHEET for 08CIH00331 Scioto Court of Common Pleas JANE MURRAY, et al vs. CITY OF PORTSMOUTH ______________________________________ Date Filed: 08/11/08 Style: MURRAY ETAL/CITY OF PORTS Judge : 1 Action : OTHER CIVIL ______________________________________ Judge: William T. Marshall

What is the status of this suit?

How much are you and your co-plaintiffs suing the City for? (Please provide our answer to the nearest million.)

If you are elected Mayor, do you think it will be a conflict of interest for you to represent the City and also provide depositions against the City and testify against the City in court? (In other words will you want the City to win or lose this case?)

Do you plan to drop your lawsuit if you are elected Mayor?

Game Over for UK Basketball Museum

Read carefully folks, especially the words in bold: From Jane Murray's website: Among her accomplishments, Murray claims:
"University of Kentucky Basketball Museum – director for feasibility study; organized and directed professional consulting team, all meetings, functions, reports. "
From the website,

Game over: struggling UK basketball museum closes

LEXINGTON, Ky.(AP) The University of Kentucky Basketball Museum has shut its doors due to falling attendance and financial problems.

The museum, located in the Lexington Center near the entrance to Rupp Arena, has struggled to find an audience since opening in 1999.

Kentucky deputy athletic director Rob Mullens said Wednesday that the museum, which was not affiliated with the university, was averaging less than 25,000 visitors a year. Consultants told museum officials before it opened that 110,000 fans a year could push through the turnstiles.

Mullens said the university has decided to reallocate its annual $100,000 donation to the museum to help offset $1.2 million in debt.


So "director of feasibility study" and "organizer of professional consulting team" Jane Murray told the UK Athletic Director that they would have over four times the number of fans than they actually had. As a result they had to shut down and ended up $1.2 million in debt. Was Jane Murray unaware of the fate of the museum or did she just assume we were to gullible to look into it? (How did the Portsmouth Times "drop the ball" on this story?) Does this give you a clue as to how she will address the City's problems?That sort of makes her big plans for Portsmouth seem a little hollow, doesn't it? She certainly talks a lot about bringing museums and cultural centers to Portsmouth. We wonder if anyone will ask Murray about that at her press conference. Much more interesting information about Murray's misadventures in Lexington are forthcoming. (All we can say wonder she changed her name.)

UK Basketball Museum (now defunct)

(Jane Murray will probably sue us for using her logo.)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Word About Anonymity

We have received some taunting emails and comments about our desire to keep our identities private. Well, save your breath. This website is about truth, not rumor or gossip. If you do not like it, don't read it. We notice that no one yet has accused us of lying. If you are familiar with Watergate and Deep Throat, you know that sometimes anonymity is needed for the truth to get out. Now on to other business...

Get To Know Jane Murray Here

What We're For and What We're Against

We at P-Town Underground have decided to moderate all comments that come into the website. That means that we will review all comments we receive before allowing them to appear in the comment section after each post. We have already received several very abusive comments that we don't feel deserve to be promoted here. (If you want to make such comments, start your own blog, don't use ours.) So far we have been accused of being bigots, rednecks, hypocrites, homophobes, and worse. We have also been accused of being "against women," because we have presented facts from news stories that appear to reflect negatively on candidate Jane Murray. On the other hand we have received comments that are really accusations against Murray, other candidates, or even other private citizens that the commenters seem to believe we may agree with. We have chosen not to pass on such comments that are undocumented or speculative in nature. If you want to spread these statements, please use another forum. Regarding the charges some have made against us: 1) Are we against women? If one of us were to make a statement for or against Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, or Condoleezza Rice based on whether we believe that person is a good candidate or not, would that make us "anti-women"? Of course not. So if you want to accuse us of being "misogynists," as one writer has, without any evidence to back it up don't expect your comment to be shared on this site. Our questions for Jane Murray so far (with more in the coming days) are simply: a) questions we have heard around town from others b) questions no one else seems to be asking of the candidate c) questions based on actual news stories from other sources and based on the candidate's statements and behavior during the campaign, which should concern any intelligent person. 2) Are we against homosexuals? No, but many homosexuals share a left-wing agenda that we definitely oppose. Mr. Johnson's statements that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle concern us greatly. Based on the article we presented yesterday, we would be fools not to believe that Johnson has an agenda that he has not shared with the voters of the City of Portsmouth. A liberal agenda that may include many elements that the voters would be strongly opposed to, if only they knew: medical and other benefits for domestic partners and same-sex couples (paid for by the citizens) as Mr. Johnson was able to pass in Concord, California; promotion of so-called gay marriage (in spite of the Ohio constitution which defines marriage as between one man and one woman), and probably many other values considered mainstream in San Francisco, but strongly against the beliefs of many in Portsmouth. Mr. Johnson himself shared his agenda for Portsmouth in the pages of the San Francisco Chronicle, but he has yet to share it with us. We believe that is hypocrisy. As the SF Chronicle stated, quoting Johnson himself:
Doubtless, he won't stay quiet for long in Portsmouth, Ohio."I've already got a list of 700 names back there, people with political issues to call," he says, letting loose another raspy belly laugh. "Gawd, I love it!"
The local media have not seen fit to tell us, but the people of Portsmouth have a right to know before November 3. We will surely know after! As far as Mr. Johnson medical condition, we certainly have not put out any confidential information. Mr. Johnson shared many details of his condition, including his T-cell count, treatment, and prognosis in the newspaper article. Again, the people of San Francisco know this, why don't our citizens have a right to know? 3) Some have asked what the fact that Mr. Johnson has AIDS has to do with him being a city councilman. The fact is that if he opts to take advantage of the City's health insurance coverage for City Council members (which he has the option to do at any time, if elected), the cost of his treatment will be borne by the citizens of Portsmouth, no matter what personal resources Mr. Johnson has to pay on his own. Should this be an issue? Of course it should. Other council people in the past have had ailments that have caused great expense to the City, and of course the critics of the City blasted them for taking advantage of the citizenry. Why are they quiet now about Mr. Johnson? Agree or disagree, we believe and hope the Citizens of Portsmouth will benefit from the information on our website. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

3 Questions Jane Murray MUST ANSWER (Part 1)

OUR FIRST QUESTION FOR JANE MURRAY 1) Why did you leave Congressman Baesler's office in 1995 and what is the real reason you returned to Portsmouth?
At Thursday night's Mayorial Debate at Shawnee State, Candidate Jane Murray stated in her closing remarks, "Let's just face it, I will be your next mayor."
Well, it seems a bit strange, to us at P-Town Underground, that the City of Portsmouth would elect a woman that we know so little about to control the destiny of our City. There are major gaps in her resume that we thought should be at least looked into. That led us to questions that we would like to have answers to.
Jane Murray tells a life story that is inspiring and impressive. Born in Portsmouth, raised in Greenup, and a graduate of PHS, Ohio State, and UK. After college, she went to work for the mayor of Lexington where she wrote legislation and built museums that were marvelous to behold. When the Bluegrass State became too small to contain her vision she swooped into Washington where she specialized ina dozen areas, according to her website, including the environment, international trade and even "space technology'! Then when she tired of governing the masses, she started her own marketing/lobbying/development firm. Finally when she had conquered the heavens she looked down upon our lowly town, and had compassion on us. So she left her old life behind, moved home, rescued her mother and a pound dog to begin a simple life among the simple folk of southern Ohio. And we are blessed to have her.
She is the humble daughter of Appalachia with a spotless career that rocketed through the heavens in a perfect arc. She has returned to save us from or sins. But is this the true story of our Miss Murray? Here is what we have learned.
Jane's former married name is Jane Vimont. Her husband Tom Vimont was connected to Vimont & Wills, a major law firm in Lexington. (Now it is called Bowles Rice, LLC.) Whether this helped Jane to get a job in the Lexington office of Mayor Scottie Baesler is unknown. However, she worked for Mayor Baeslernfrom 1986 to 1992. When Mr. Baesler was elected to congress in 1992, he took her to Washington as his legislative assistant. Things were going well for Jane and the Congressman, when the Lexington Herald Leader (the largest newspaper in Ky) ran a FRONT PAGE story (9/25/1995) which was very critical of both Congressman Baesler and Murray, who was going by Jane Vimont at the time. The paper accused Baesler as mayor and Vimont-Murray, mentioning her by name, of violating city policy regarding personal expenses "from 1987 to December 1992" (corresponding to Murray-Vimont's time in the office). Despite warnings by auditors of the city's finances, Jane as the mayor's legislative liaison continued to violate the City's policy on credit card use.
Here is a quote from the Herald Leader's story:
Many of the [credit card] charges made by Jane Vimont, the city's legislative liaison under Baesler, also did not include receipts. A $708 American Express bill for July 1991 for example, has no receipts attached and no detail for what the charges were for. A note on the payment voucher says only "cultural center travel." Vimont said she regularly provided receipts, and they must have been lost.
Other violations of City policy by Murray-Vimont included overly expensive meals and lodging, expensive gifts given to public officials (for example, $27 letter openers given to state legislators--this was in 1990 dollars), and excessive economic development trips to Japan, Korea, India, Europe, New Orleans, etc.
This 'page-one' coverage was a serious blow to Baesler who was up for reelection the following year and who was also planning to run for governor (which he did in 1998, but was defeated). Murray's website says she left the Congressman's office in 1995. But according to the Herald-Leader story, she was still employed by Baesler's office on Sept. 25, 1995, so she obviously left after the scandal.
It seems reasonable to us to conclude that Murray-Vimont may have been fired or asked to resign due to her misfeasance of public funds at an embarassing time for Congressman Baesler. We would hope that Murray would answer that question here or by email to However if not we hope that local news media will attempt to get a response.
It is understandable that Murray would shine the best light possible on her past career. That's human nature. We all make mistakes. and we all have things in our pasts that we do not want the world to know.
But what bothers us is that Jane Murray is constantly criticizing the mayor and City officials of breaking the law, of cover-ups, of malfeasance, and of incompetance. She says that WHEN she is elected she "will obey the law"! She claims that the simpletons in office in Portsmouth do NOT know how to read a financial statement or balance accounts and the Portsmouth Times dutifully repeats every word. Yet she knows the whole time that state auditors and newspapers in Kentucky have charged her with the same charges and worse, that she misused City of Lexington funds in violation of state and City policies for her own personal benefit.

People who know Jane Murrayand who supported her in the primary election, have now turned their support to one of the other candidates. The former Murray backers have seen what many of us have seen: Jane Murray thinks she is better than everyone else.

Does Jerry Skiver think he is better than the rest of us? I don't think so.

Is Jim Kalb better than everyone else in Portsmouth? No. Does he think he is better than the rest of us? God, no!! That's why, during his years as Mayor, he has continued to work part-time at Krogers. He has served the City as a City Councilman, as Mayor, and as grocery store employee for many years. Though his critics jeer and make fun of him for this, no one can deny that this has kept him in touch with the citizens of our town. We have not heard of him using his office to take trips to Japan or New Orleans or financially benefit himself in anyway, beyond his salary. (If you have heard of this, let us know.)

Has Jane Murray done anything to benefit our City? Nothing we can think of, even after checking her website. Oh wait. She has a lawsuit against the City. Maybe she thinks that is doing something for the community, but if so , it is not mentioned on her website.

If Jane Murray is elected as Mayor, where will she spend our tax money? In Lexington? In New Orleans? In Japan? Or at the local Kroger's supermarket?

Murray says it's a done deal. She's already won. She IS going to be the next mayor. Well, that's really up to us to decide isn't it?

BE HERE in coming days for more un-asked/un-answered questions for Jane Murray.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Question for Murray Coming at Midnight Tonight

Probably the most glaringly obvious un-answered (and un-asked!) question from the Jane Murray campaign is related to Murray's former employment as a legislative aid for Scotty Baesler, Mayor of Lexington 1982 to 1993, US Congressman 1993 to 1999, failed candidate for Ky Governor in 1998. Murray worked for Baesler from 1983 to 1995, and she trumpets her past legislative experience in Lexington and Washington on her website and at every public appearance.
Sherlock Holmes once solved a mystery by focusing on "the dog that didn't bark." Well, we at P-Town U think this campaign has it's own dog that is not barking.
* If Murray was such a great assistant to Baesler, why have we not seen any kind of endorsement from the former congressman? A letter, a photograph of the two together, even a personal appearance by this well-known politician would certainly be a plus for the Murray campaign. This seems very strange to us.
Other questions:
* If Murray was so instrumental in so many projects, why have we seen no pictures from that time of the museums, cultural centers, etc., that she was able to create? And that she promises to bring to Portsmouth?
* Why are the no endorsements at all from any public figures from Lexington or Washington? Surely she would still have contacts who could vouch for her, so that the Citizens of Portsmouth don't have to just "take her word" for all of her accomplishments.
* And perhaps the biggest of all these questions: Why did Murray leave Baesler's staff in the fall of 1995, right in the middle of Baesler's tenure in Washington, just as he was preparing to run for governor? Was she fired or did she resign? If so was she forced to resign?
These vital questions will be addressed in the first of three expose's of the Murray campaign. We will release the results of our investigation tonight at midnight.
After you read it, you will definitely question the first statement by Murray, as quoted in the newspaper story below; "I will abide by the law."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Meet Jane Murray's Supporters: Harald Daub

MEET HARALD DAUB: The Facial Jester

USEC, the place you probably call the A-Plant, isn't a bad place to work. But like any workplace there are always certain people who ruin it for everyone else. For example, Harald Daub. He's one of those guys you try to avoid if you see him coming. All he does is piss and moan about everything that is wrong in the world. Especially the City of Portsmouth which has been his obsession ever since he was recalled as a City Councilman. (You know that nice big Towne Center Mall they have in Ashland, Kentucky. Well, they were going to build that in Portsmouth, but Daub was on Council and he was afraid some developers were going to make some money on the deal, so he voted against it. Some people resented that and Harald was recalled.)

Anyway, no matter who the mayor is Daub always wants to recall him for this or that. Everyone who disagrees with him is automatically a 'crook' whose 'lining their pocketh' with bribes and 'raithing thity taxeth.' And usually Daub helped get the 'crook' elected in the first place. And at work, you can't get away from him. And the whole time he's talking to you, you're thinking "I wish I could just hold you down and snip those stupid mousetails off your mustache," or "Why can't you just learn to pronounce the letter S?" Of course we all feel that way about him. As we say at the plant: "A Little Daub'll Do You."

Even though I don't live in Portsmouth, I used to go to council meetings sometimes, but I got so sick of Daub and the rest of the chain of fools that always gets up to bitch at Council, that I quit going. I say that anyone (meaning city council) who sits there and listens to Daub and his gang of freaks without going postal deserves a medal (or at least a free mental health screening). When I heard Daub was supporting Jane Murray I wasn't one bit surprised.

Here are some little known facts about Harald Daub:

1) Daub is an Aldi's "Secret Shopper." Late last year, Harald was arrested for shoplifting tools at the local Aldi's supermarket (or as he calls it, Christmas shopping). The store had him on video and pressed charges against him. Fortunately for the sake of justice, Harald's co-conspirator, I mean, nephew, who just happened to shopping with Daub, took the fall for his uncle... I mean, he admitted that he was the guilty party, and Harald got off scott free.

Don't you just hate it when your out shopping with your nephew and you get arrested for no reason? And it turns out your nephew did it. I hate it when that happens.

2) Daub is a renowned pugilist This picture of Harald appeared on the internet in 2005 after he claims he got sucker punched by a Portsmouth City Councilman and ended up in the hospital, as a result. Man, that musta been one hell of a sucker-punch!! Harald claims he was unable to press charges because there were no witnesses.

Don't you just hate it when your minding your own business and a city official walks up and punches you for no reason and you end up in the hospital and you don't have any witnesses? I hate when that happens.

3) Daub is a record-breaking politician: Harald Daub holds the record for getting the fewest number of votes of any candidate for County Commissioner when he ran for the office in 2006. (It must have been his great slogan: "Do As U Believe!" Not quite as catchy as "Yes, We Can!")

He also holds the record for the shortest term on City Council. After being elected to City Council in 1979 he did such a bang-up job that he was recalled the next year, after just 10 months in office--by law that is the shortest amount of time that citizens had to wait to recall a council person. Ever since being recalled, Daub has had it out for the City.

Don't you just hate it when you're doing a great job as a City Councilman, making sure that no malls get built in your town, and you get recalled for no reason? I hate it when that happens.

A word of warning to Ms. Murray: Daub was at one time Jim Kalb's biggest supporter. Now he's your biggest supporter and he's out to get Kalb. Just remember the other saying we have at the plant:

"A Little Daub'll Screw Ya."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

3 Questions Jane Murray MUST ANSWER Before Election Day

NOTE: The position of mayor is probably the most powerful and important public position in our county. The County Commissioner's may control a larger budget than the mayor, but each of them is only one of three, and is restricted by the other two. And the Mayor really serves as the face of our community. It is very important to know the truth about each of the candidates for mayor. We know Jim Kalb. His past, his family realtions, his record, his marriages, even his teen years growing up on Jackson Street have all been thoroughly publicized and scrutinized, for good or ill, for all the world to see on the internet. Even Mr. Skiver is well known in our community. But all we know about Jane Murray is what she has chosen to share with us. Even the internet has been especially gentle with her. Why is that we wonder? Soon we will begin a series of 3 articles that will explore the background and intentions of a person that the citizens of Portsmouth really don't know very well. (Make that at least 3 articles.) Perhaps you have questions of your own for the candidates. If you do, send it to us at We will try to get answers or at least tell you what we think. We think the next few days will be interesting.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Why Jim Kalb is the Mayor of Portsmouth?

Everyone knows that the Mayor of the great city of Portsmouth is an hourly employee at a local supermarket. (He works there four hours per week.) Jim Kalb does not have a college education. He is not a successful business man. He is not a lawyer. He has none of the qualifications that you would expect of an elected mayor of a city like Portsmouth. So why is he our mayor instead of someone whose more qualified? Well, a big part of the reason is the nature of politics here. You have to question the sanity of anyone who would went to run for Mayor in Portsmouth. Kalb's predecessor was recalled from office. And Kalb's critics (the same one's who recalled the previous mayor) constantly threaten him with being recalled.When "recall fever" hits this town it becomes like another country: Recallistan. They pass recall petitions at the drop of a hat. And enough people in this City will sign any petition that is put in front of them, that its a piece of cake to get a recall on the ballot.

But the threat of recall is the least of it. There is a circle of internet critics in this City who are so relentlessly negative and full of hate for anyone who disagrees with them, that they can't stand to see anything good happen in Portsmouth. When they are not recalling, their boycotting some business or other: the local newspaper, the hospital, the donut shop, even the waffle house! (more on this in future posts).

But they really heap their hatred on politicians who want the City to prosper. Here is a mild example, from just last year, of what the vicious attack dogs of the internet say about the Mayor:

"The Mayor, Jim Kalb, is known mostly around town as the Tool or the Fool for the unelected leaders of Portsmouth. He barely graduated from vocational school, went to work at Kroger’s, and could never progress past a stock boy due to his attitude and aptitude. It's been said he barely kept his job at Kroger’s and if it wasn't for the union he would have lost the job at Kroger's a long time ago. He also told me shortly after his placement as Mayor when Greg Bauer was recalled that he would never be able to get elected on his own as Mayor because of his lack of experience and aptitude. Chief Horner, Mayor Kalb's boss, is the Chief of Police who uses intimidation tactics to get his way, no matter how much it hurts the community. Chief Horner is too busy trying to lend a hand to council in bankrupting the community through intimidation tactics and working under the "color of Law" instead of doing his job arresting and convicting drug dealers, prostitutes, burglary crimes, wrong doing etc. It's also been said Chief Horner deliberately stays away from enforcing these types of crimes due to a close relationship of his. Seems the county wants to plan for the future. Maybe the city of Portsmouth should be join forces with the county and eliminate our incompetent elected officials who continue to be played for the Tools and the Fools."

Notice how the writer uses cheap-shots to smear a man whose only crime was to actually get elected by the Citizens of Portsmouth. "It's been said..."and "...mostly known around town as..." The writer uses this smug innuendo to make it look like a lot of people agree with her. Just who is this low-class self-styled internet journalista who takes it on herself to speak as the voice of Portsmouth? Why its none other than Teresa Mollette, wife of a city councilman, on her own website.

(Click below to read the whole story.)

Please note how ridiculous her comments from May 13, 2008 are in retrospect. She said the City was mismanaging funds and City officials were incompetent and inept, but Scioto County was planning for the future and its officials had backbone and vision. She said the "city of Portsmouth should join forces with the county and eliminate our incompetent elected officials..."

As we all now know Scioto County is in a fiscal emergency: the first Ohio county ever to be under the financial control of the state. This is a very serious situation that is a major embarassment to our community and black-eye for all of us. Yet if had listened to Mrs. Mollette and followed her "ingenius" advice, the City would now be in the same sinking financial boat. (Brilliant, Teresa!)

But instead the City seems to get by on a tight budget, even in these tough economic times, with nothing but constant criticism by Mrs. Mollette and her pack of strange friends. Here is another example of how she speaks of our cities leaders (other than her own husband of course.)

(Click below to read the whole story.)

Week after week, Ms. Mollette goes on her web forum to air every stitch of the City's dirty laundry that she can find. One of her biggest targets over the years has been Southern Ohio Medical Center, the local hospital. She "spreads the word" about how the hospital is run by a bunch of "crooks and liars" and how the administration and the doctors are all incomptent. Here is just one example from early last year.

(Click below to read the whole story.)

Recently, due to "financial hardship" SOMC has had to severely cut back its pediatric unit and may eventually close it altogether. Well who was crying about it on her website? After so many months of her and her circle of internet jerks relentlessly talking down our area's main health care provider, who just couldn't understand why the hospital would do such a thing? None other than Mollette herself, the eternal critic of Portsmouth. Did you ever think your chickens would come home to roost, Teresa?

The Mollettes claim to be positive and that they want to work with others for the Cities betterment. But we have searched in vane for one positive or encouraging word that she has ever printed about Mr. Kalb, the elected mayor of Portsmouth. We can not find one.

So why is James Kalb the mayor of Portsmouth? Well, mainly because most people who may be more qualified just don't want the job. Who wants to take on the idiots in this town. In a future posts we will mention just a few of the past decent City Council people who have been hounded out of office by these people.

But what about Jane Murray, you may ask? What about this candidate who si supported by the Mollettes? Isn't Murray qualified to be mayor? We'll take a look at Ms. Murray soon.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Portsmouth: The Ugly Truth

Portsmouth deserves to know the whole truth about it's elected leadership. How did a man who works as a grocery clerk became the mayor of our city? In the coming days and weeks, we will explain the whole shocking truth behind this man's rise to power and the behind-the-scenes gang that is responsible for keeping him in office.We are a group of individuals who wish to remain anonymous at this time due to our positions in the community. But we have had a wide range of experiences (an educator, a government worker, and an a-plant employee). As such, we believe that we have an important perspective to provide in the community and we have come together to try to promote the betterment of the City we love. Check back with us on Monday, Oct. 19 when our expose' begins. We will tell you the facts that people in power don't want you to know. You won't want to miss it. Tell your friends.